16 January, 2021

Then and Now

When Lynnleigh was born, eight short years ago, I was required to wear a mask for our first meeting. I had a bad cold at the time but that wasn't going to keep me from holding our new granddaughter; oh, no! Little did I know then that mask-wearing would ever become the norm! We were eager to recreate this iconic moment today. Happy birthday, Lynnleigh; you've made these past eight years a joy (and you've grown just a teeny bit too 😉)!

Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, so very good indeed!

Teresa said...

Precious memories

cityquilter grace said...

omigosh...time does indeed fly...many happy returns to the birthday girl!

AnnieO said...

Sweet photos! Hoping for a sweet granddaughter of our own someday :)

Needled Mom said...

Happy birthday to her! Yes, she has grown just a smidge!!

straythreads said...

Happy birthday to Lynnleigh

Janet O. said...

She is a charmer!

Tanya said...

That's a pretty big baby you've got there! Amazing that she has grown so much and you haven't changed at all!