Another Easter has come and gone; and, in this week following, spring has got a full grip on the weather, the pollen has begun to descend in thick, yellow waves, covering everything in its sight. We celebrated Jesus' Resurrection with worship in our new church last Sunday; there was a large crowd (highest attendance ever for our little mission church) of faithful folks in attendance, it was an incredibly joyful day! I had a dream, weeks ago, before we settled on purchasing the church, a dream were there were tulips EVERYWHERE, when we arrived for Easter Sunday service last week this sight greeted me! My heart was full. 

My contribution to the fellowship breakfast between the sunrise and traditional worship services were two pans of cinnamon rolls. They're always a crowd pleaser and not that fussy to make. Here's the recipe if you're interested in trying them.
Back home, later in the afternoon; the family enjoyed more sweet treats after a cookout, the weather was gorgeous. We celebrated Easter as a family with dinner and dessert out on the porch.
Here's a "before" shot of the Easter cupcakes from a local bakery. They didn't last long! We missed our daughter and her family this year, they were unable to join us. We'll have to have them here another time to make up for it and get more cupcakes; gee, what a hardship! 🤣 These are just as yummy as they are cute!
What I thought was a "Thanksgiving Cactus" all these years got in on the Easter action, too. It hasn't ever bloomed at this time of year before. And, according to the chart below, it shouldn't be.
So much for identification!
All too soon the day was over. It's been a busy, busy week since; more details in the next post.
Everyone's been busy this week! Easter fills the world with hope and promise.
Happy Easter!
Life is Good!
My Thanksgiving cactus (yes, the leaves look right for that ID) and my Christmas cactus (leaves are correct) both bloomed on time for their holidays...and they're still blooming! One plant is at least 40 years old and this is the first time it's continued to bloom for such a long period. Might be because I've been fertilizing both plants? Or is it God's way of encouraging me through this difficult pandemic time?
a tempting post if ever there was one....left me salivating...LOL...lovely easter time memories...
My Thanksgiving cacti bloom all the way from October to April, some just once, others rebloom a couple more times. I have 2 out 15 plants blooming right now.
Because Little Man had a fever/cough last week, we celebrated with Easter dinner here tonight (along with our/his afternoon back-yard egg hunt and some time for him in the sandbox). What a wonderful post you shared!
We had Easter with family friends... it used to be that with all the children we would have two tables but this year there were just the three older couples. It is just as well as Covid restrictions are still being maintained. No Easter service for us either though of course we "attended" online.
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