Don't send out the bloodhounds yet, I'm still here! It's been a busy, busy week. Isn't that great to think about? A busy, busy week! Yes!! After months on end of nowhere to go and nothing to do, life is ratcheting up again, my calendar is filling every day and it feels so good! This past week Lynnleigh and I made a trip to Pineapple Fabrics to get her supplies for Quilt Camp with Nana! She will make a quilt next week, from start to finish, a camping-theme quilt (a camping quilt at quilt camp!) with her very own special curated collection of fabrics. 

It's going to be great! They're all washed and pressed and patiently waiting to be cut and assembled starting bright and early on Monday morning. Stay tuned!
The hydrangea are blooming again. This is nothing short of miraculous (to me) after the butchering that happened to them last year when we added the screen porch. This spring, each time they sent out new growth it was promptly halted by killing frosts. That happened three times and they really didn't look good. I wasn't expecting much... and then, this! Joy!So, speaking of that screen porch: Mr. Goodneedle added a planter wall across the back of the adjoining patio during the construction process. I transplanted some straggly daylilies that had been neglected. These were a gift from Quiltkeemosabe, years ago. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I had let them go. Little did I know, they were far from "done"; but were simply looking for a sunnier location to spread and grow.
They're thriving in their new location!
In three separate locations I have Easter lilies blooming in the perennial garden right now. These have been re-plants after Easter Sunday services for years. This is a portrait of resurrection right here! Aren't we all experiencing our own resurrections right now? Those filling calendar pages are a testament.
Lynnleigh wanted an outdoor, mask-free pic with her fabric purchase. She hasn't yet been vaccinated, her young age prohibits that for now. But we're all emerging, one day at a time. There's life again, and it is GOOD !!
Life is Good!
How old is she? I've been thinking of teaching my 6 year old grand-daughter to sew.
should be a fun too, i'm itching to be out and about....not quite yet tho, til i have mastered the cane...
Your garden looks lovely! Nothing like flowers to lift the mood. So wonderful to be emerging from covid hibernation. Now if the Canadian border can open so I can visit my family! Cheers!
You guys are going to have so much fun at sewing camp.
Oh! I will be so excited to see Lynnleigh's progress on her quilt! I wish I'd been able to go to Quilt camp when I was with my grandma!
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