So, I've got a new perspective moving forward. Less is more, simpler is better. We'll see how it goes. Christmas is taken down and stowed away for another eleven months. It took me two full days this year, one for take down and the second for cleaning and organizing what's being put away. I suppose that's a direct reflection of getting older. That second part (cleaning and organizing) triggered additional trips to Goodwill, the
Shepherd's Center and our local Recycling post. I now have a pristine closet solely devoted to Christmas items that is show-worthy! During all this cleaning, organizing and shuffling I decided that I needed a much more efficient and effective kitchen towel drawer. I love the beautiful and decorative kitchen towels that I own but I rarely use them as workhorses at clean-up time. I decided to ditch any kitchen towels that can't be washed in hot-hot water, with bleach, and pressed back into service. This is the result. I now am using only white kitchen towels for clean up with linen towels in reserve for drying wine glasses and crystal. Everything's been streamlined and simplified. My decorative towels are now delegated for show and hand drying. It's all good.
Santa's gone back to the North Pole and Mr. Snowman is, once again, guarding the door.

One item on my Christmas list this year was Sew Kind of Wonderful's
Wonder Curve Ruler. I had seen some of the patterns and their Sampler Quilt Block Book advertised and was eager to give it a try. I'm not a stranger to this basic technique, I've been using their Quick Curve and Mini Quick Curve rulers for a while now; but, I'm here to tell you, that this new Wonder Curve tool is all that! There are more registration lines on the tool itself, as well as colored indicators that make lining up, and using this ruler, a pure joy. Simpler is better! I recall cutting small pieces of masking tape and marking intersecting points and lines on my rulers in conjunction with those older generation Quick Curves to keep myself on track. This new tool takes all that work out, the needed markings are already there and waiting. As a way of familiarizing myself with the new tool I chose to try out the pattern that came packed with the ruler: "Wonder Flutters". You can see my progress above.

With the basic exercises behind me, can any of these ↑ be too far away? I think not!
With respect to time and the learning curve (sorry, too easy!), this tool is a winner, hands down!
So, what's new for you in '22?
Life is Good!
I organized and cleaned the Christmas de orations last year and it was easy to put up this year. I almost have it all taken down. But due to a weight limit after my surgery the outdoor wreath and the indoor hanging quilt will have to wait.
What’s new for me is my self-imposed permission to chase squirrels at will instead of being bound by defined monthly goals. All while giving myself the freedom gained by ongoing decluttering - both physical and mental. So far so good.
likewise, tree and stuff packed away and walk-in closet tidied...very nice blocks and huzzah for a new skill!
I like your Mr. Snowman! Is he a Country
Threads pattern?
I wanted to clean out Christmas decorations before I put them away but my Mother was hospitalized on the 28th so it didn't happen this year. I will just be happy to get the boxes back to the attic!
Love your welcome quilt! Tools are always my go to when in a quilt shop.
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