24 February, 2022

Grinding to a Halt

You might not think this looks very appetizing, but that's okay; Hannes does. At seventeen and a half years young our resident canine companion has become VERY picky about his eating. Sometimes he's interested; but, more often than not, he takes a sniff and slowly walks away.  It's hard, if not impossible, to find something that he likes; is healthy, and easy enough for him to chew on a daily basis. This week I began grinding his food from scratch. We purchased a food grinder attachment for the stand mixer. This morning I ground together a cooked chicken breast, some dried bread cubes a few cooked carrots and some fresh spinach. He loved it, kept circling the bowl for more and, when he realized it was all gone he polished the bottom of his dish to a brilliant shine! 
Some days we simply gotta do what we gotta do; 
and, if everyone's happy and well fed, that's just enough.πŸΎπŸ’—

Life is Good!


cityquilter grace said...

He is so blessed to have a personal chef...lol

Sherrill said...

Yep, we do what we gotta do for our beloved and faithful fur babes. Hoping for more wonderful time with him.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray for finding something that he likes!

Little Penpen said...

I’ve been cooking for my 15 year old dachshund for a couple years now. We have to use pumpkin and oatmeal with the chicken to keep her bowels happy. 😬

Just Ducky said...

Some of the food in pet stores now is in a refrigerator and looks just like what you prepared.

Tanya said...

That sounds delicious! I hope Hannes will continue to have an appetite pick-up. All our animals are getting into their teens too and we seem to make more trips to the vet. But all the extra work is worth it to keep them with us as long as possible!