Mom uses a chair lift and Augie doesn't let her out of his sight when she's upstairs!
They're doing well, they have their own routines and rituals which we observed along with them. Mom has a hair appointment every Friday and following that they eat lunch at the diner right next door, this photo was snapped in the diner; it's "Cheers!"-like, everybody knows their names. They have a standing booth there and their beverages are delivered before they even sit down. We were able to help them get some chores done in anticipation of winter as well as get some things cleaned out and organized. It was a great time together.
We didn't stay in the house with them, but rather in a hotel a very short distance away; it worked out well. Augie kept an eye on the parking lot; he's a great security dog! Nothing gets past him.
While we were staying at the hotel they replaced all the mattresses. I was shocked that they discard them into a dumpster! I did ask if they couldn't be donated to a needy cause but was told that they have to be trashed after they're used. I can't help but wonder why it was okay for us to sleep on these perfectly good mattresses one night and that they were required to be disposed of the next. This makes no good sense to me.
I spent a good amount of time cross-stitching, until I ran out of the needed colors to finish.
Augie doing what he does best, warming laps and being a sweet companion to everyone.
Here's a taste of picturesque New England. This covered bridge is a replacement for the original, it's a pedestrian bridge just a short way from where my parents live.
You know that you've been gone a long time when your accumulated mail is delivered like this. I have lots to catch you up on, surprises and accomplishments! Yes!! I know, I know... I've been full of excuses lately.
Dental surgery first thing in the morning. Say a little prayer.
In all honesty, this time we hit the ground running when we returned!
I'll be back, I promise!
Pinky swear.
Life is Good!
Used mattresses are not accepted by any charitable organization or thrift store in my area. And most hotels have a periodic replacement program.
Great to spend time with elderly parents :-)
I agree with you on the mattresses. It's a shame they couldn't "announce" the mattress disposal and people could get them if they wanted them. Looks like you guys had a great trip.
In many states, used mattresses have to be sanitized, using procedures required by law, before they can be sold, whether by a thrift shop or a private party. Dot
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