30 May, 2024


Inspired by a photo in the Quiltfolk calendar, 
here's the Goodneedle version.  
*1993 model Ford F150 pickup truck, originally  
belonging to my father-in-law, it's in perfect condition.
Life is Good!



dq said...

Great photo remake!
I have noticed your comments to Grace's blog and decided I would drop by. I am loving the visit.

cityquilter grace said...

very photogenic...lol

Sherrill said...

Beautiful!! (the quilt and the truck..LOL). I started a quilt like yours but I'm currently stalled...ugh

straythreads said...

Fun pictures

Janet O. said...

Excellent re-creation of the March calendar photo. Very clever of you, Mrs. G.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I love this! The truck, the quilt, and the photo.