This is my Mom. Through the years, not only did she occasionally appear in my blog posts, but she always enjoyed reading whatever struck my fancy to post about. If I hadn't posted in a while I'd hear about it. She was my most loyal reader until her diminishing eyesight prohibited her from reading entirely, several years ago. This year saw Mom facing one health crisis after the next. It seemed like she was always able to rally and fight her way back. In April she was given a choice of major surgery or only two weeks to live. She and my Dad discussed it and mutually decided on the latter, knowing that the surgery would be too much for her. Once again, she defied the prognosis and lived on; for eight more months. My Mom passed away ten days ago, she was 91. Knowing that the end was near, Mr. G and I jumped in the car and drove north. We arrived at her bedside where we were able to tell her that we loved her. She squeezed my hand. She knew. 💗 Christmas has come and gone. I felt like a robot yesterday, going through the motions. It's all settling in now; the new normal.
Here we are on a quilt shop excursion in Maine back in the fall of 2015. My Mom was also a quilter; she was always up for a shopping adventure and we went on many together! Over the next few days I'll share more happy memories, thanks for reading and coming along as I reminisce and begin to try putting the pieces of my heart back together.
Life is Good!
Oh, Mrs. Goodneedle, I am so sorry to hear this. Mom’s are the best and we miss them when they leave us. God has you in His care. I always look forward to your posts. Hugs across the miles.
My heart goes out to you … my mom has been gone since 2005 and there are moments still when I want to call and tell her something. Sending hugs and prayers as you work your way through this emotional journey.
What a sweet remembrance of your precious Mom. Will pray for the Holy Spirit to give you and your family comfort and peace as you find that new normal without her.
May Light Perpetual shine upon her and May your wonderful memories bring you peace during this difficult time.
So sorry for your loss. Praying for your family at this very difficult time. I hope your memories bring you peace.
i feel your grief much more than is so comforting to have so many happy memories, even if thru tears...know that my prayers are with you as you begin this journey...
So sorry for your loss. May you be blessed with the many "happy memories" you had with your mom. Prayers and thoughts being sent your way!
I am so very sorry for your loss. How good it is to have so many wonderful memories to lean into while you adjust to life without her being a phone call away. Prayers for comfort to you and your family during this sad time.
Sincere sympathy to you and your family, my mum is now 93, and I know I am so blessed to still have her in my life. Don't want to think of the alternative.
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