28 January, 2025

Another Year ~ Finished!

I have managed to get another UFO out of the closet and found some fabric to attach as a binding. It had languished in its uncompleted state long enough. This is a small project, a calendar quilt from the late 1990's, hand embroidered from patterns that can be found here. Each block finishes to 3" square; the entire mini-quilt measures 20" X 26". If memory serves, I believe that I embroidered several of these monthly minis, one set to keep and others to give away as gifts.
It's such a great feeling to pull out yet another project and move it into the "done" column! ✔ 
What can I find next?
Stay tuned...
Life is Good!


straythreads said...

Adorable and good for you!

cityquilter grace said...

Very cute...and good for the soul....finishes always give a lift!

Janet O. said...

What a cute project. The size is just up my alley. ;)
I love finishing off something that has languished for years. Well done!

Janet O. said...

BTW, I was just looking at the updated photos of your grands--when did Mason get to be a young man?? They have all grown so much!