21 March, 2025

Grab A Fork!

Are you looking for something fun, creative and easy to do (little thinking required) in your spare time? If so, grab a fork: a LUCET fork and a fiber of some sort (I'm using red yarn) to start creating a simple braided cord. I'm hoping to use this to trim out the strawberry basket cross stitch that I just recently finished. I expected it to become a pinkeep but it's a little large for that, now I believe it will become a small pillow, hopefully this handmade cord will beef it up a little. My dear friend, Quiltkeemosabe, gave me the fork. I had never heard of a lucet fork before but now know that it's an ancient craft. I watched this video to get started, threaded up, wrapped the fork, and I was off and running; it really was that simple.
Once I had established the rhythm I found the process reminiscent of the old kitting spool from when I was a little girl. I remembered getting one of these in my Christmas stocking and knitting a long, long tube that stretched across the living room! Those tubes were hollow and squishy, if my memory serves.

So, back to the Lucet fork, the braid created this way is tight and solid; it looks like these tools are readily available on the internet. If you've used one of these and created braided cord please tell me how you've used yours, I can see using it as a drawstring or as a decorative tie but I'd love to learn of other uses too. I'll report back once I've actually put mine to use as an embellishment. In the meantime, I'll be wrapping, looping and twisting my fork! 
Stay tuned~
Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

How intriguing! Must go see about these!

Janet O. said...

I recall the spools and making lengths of whatever it was they created. I think we made Barbie rugs or something similar with ours.
The fork is fascinating. Can't wait to see how your creation turns out!