... as one who keeps track, by counting! I can't help it. I count things, like pieces-- pieces in a block, blocks in a quilt; and ultimately, pieces in a quilt! This could be my undoing, if I let it, but I don't.
Quiltkeemosabe told me yesterday that she doesn't keep track of things like numbers and numbers of pieces in a quilt block. Maybe she thinks that would discourage her, I don't know. I have this "need to know how many" affliction, for some reason that helps me to stay on track. For instance, if I know the block has 40 pieces and I have 10 set in then I know that I'm one-quarter done. Certainly, I would know that visually, too. But...there's more to this tale, of forty piece blocks, that will have to wait until later... (stay tuned, it's a surprise!) Carole, from
Quilting Adventures, has a post up today about numbers, too. I'm guessing we think alike, Carole and I. Rather than a huge number of quilt pieces (2,112) being daunting, it becomes a challenge.
Maybe my "need to know how many" is based from the desire not to cut too much, but rather, exactly what I need. It would be earth shattering to have one too many triangles cut, wouldn't it? To me, it's a "test" to
not have any stray, left-over, block pieces. I live to pass.
I'll admit, also, to counting the number of ingredients in a recipe... now, there, I have to tell you that I
would be discouraged by an inordinate number of ingredients! If a recipe has more than, say, ten ingredients I look for something else, easier, to prepare! I've never professed to being a gourmet cook, nor would I! There's just too many(!) quilts to piece and time's a wastin'. In the final tally I'd really rather spend minutes (hours, days, months...) in front of a sewing machine than a stove!
...and, after all, isn't that what restaurants are for?...
Life is Good!
I, too, am intimidated by large numbers - of anything! I admire those who can make quilts with 2000 pieces, but impatience? gets in my way.... and yes, restaurants are for freeing up our quilting time!
LOL, 'count' me in with Judy--those large numbers in ANYTHING totally overwhelms me. :) Thanks for being so faithful with my blog. I'm been such a bad blogger buddy but I do keep up with yours and all of my other favorites almost every day, even if I don't take the time to post a comment. :( BTW, happy belated anniversary! :)
You know the more I read the more I realize there is more that one way to make a quilt... I think I do it differently than anyone... I cut & sew & then count - and decide if I have the right number for a good rectangle like if I made 11 - I need 1 more for a 3x4 layout...
I can't remember the last quilt that worked the other way... Especially since I like scrappy & the more the merrier - I can make my twin quilt a whole row (several blocks and even more pieces) wider just to add this piece of fabric...
I'm a 'counter' too - but selective. I like to push the button for crossing the street, counting to see how many pushes before it changes. Silly counting things like that. But I get overwhelmed if I think about how many pieces are in a quilt - particularly at the cutting stage. Sometimes I will calculate how many pieces are in a quilt (or block) after all the work is done . . . then I can pat myself on the back for a job well done *s*
Glad to know that I'm in good company! lol I takle large number pieces a little at a time. With large numbers, comes long ironing sessions! A great time to contemplate how blessed I am! Keep well and happy quilting/counting!
I absolutely hate counting, especially ahead of time. That's why I couldn't tell you on both the quilts I'm working on - the denim and the challenge - if I have too many or too few. I think I have too few of the challenge and way too many for the denim, but we will have to wait and see. AFTER the quilt is done - or the block in the case of Dear Jane - I have no problems counting so I can revel in my accomplishment. With DJ, the bigger the number the better! Of course part of it is due to my memory. I think I've counted twice already the denim circles, but I can't remember where I was so I'm going to have to redo the count eventually.
When I hear "counting" all I can think of is counting the number of points in everything I eat. Thanks Weight Watchers!! Everything I put in my mouth has a point value....it's a little obsessive, really.
PS: I'll have to tell you about my lunch with Terry today (oh my!!), and that Meg is planning another group get-together with Rudi in June. So many things to talk about!
Me too. Though I dislike mathematics intensly, the simpleness of counting is soothing. Sometimes I wonder if it is hypnotizing. "Quilt four stitches, pull. Four stitches pull." I wear a pedometer too so as I walk, I count steps (in my head) to see if they really coincide with the pedometer display. I vision myself as a lost old lady counting things to herself in a nursing home somewhere.
The cooking vs. sewing/quilting thing...have you been reading my mind? I share your feelings! And the same with recipe ingredients...I scan the list and if it's too many, forget it.
I too count, write down what I have counted, then promptly forget wher I wrote the numbers. I drive myself crazy.So now you know what is wrong with me!!!!!!!!!!!
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