We've had a streak of bad luck at Chez Goodneedle and enough is enough! It started with the laptop crashing, from there it spread to a dead battery in our son's truck and the demise of my steam-generator iron on Friday. We learned on Saturday that the cat needed surgery (she's at the veterinarian's office now) and yesterday we were informed that there had been a rash of burglaries in our neighborhood during the night on Monday. Upon closer inspection, we discovered that we were victims of robbery too! We had invited our son's girlfriend to spend the night at our home on Monday evening; saving her a thirty mile drive home. She parked her Jeep in the front driveway and during the night thieves strolled by and helped themselves to her cell phone and digital camera. I am beyond angry over this assault to my sanctuary. Before Monday night if you had asked me if any living soul walked through our property after dark I would have answered "yes; deer, fox, raccoon, possum and maybe an occasional turkey. Not a person, though; definitely not an intruder of any sort!" I was wrong. As one neighbor stated: "we've been lulled, over the years, into a false sense of security." He's right. I don't embrace a 'lock and key' or 'alarm system' philosophy for my life and yet I can't ignore what has happened, right here under our noses, either. The thieves entered cars parked in driveways, sheds, out-buildings and carports helping themselves to whatever they could easily carry off. Along with their haul they stole a sizable chunk of my peace of mind. We'll be more cautious from now on; things can be replaced, this streak of bad luck will end, life will return to normal...
and some days, like today,
I need to remind myself...
Life is Good!
Update: Turbo sailed through her surgery. She had some unknown growths on her upper gums around the molars. We'll find out what they are through lab work. The veterinarian said although it's possible these growths are cancerous it's not probable that they are.
Thanks for your prayers and concern. She's coming home this afternoon!
Oh, dear...how awful. I read this after I emailed you. I'm so sorry....this is such a violation and it must feel terrible. We have occasional runs of driveway break-ins here....mostly in the summer months (bored teenagers perhaps?). But, you're right, life is still good, almost all the time. Big hug!
Please let us know about kitty....
(I hope everything else works out too...)
Wow. We lived in the back woods in Middle Tennessee 30 years ago. No cars came down our path, save the school bus and the postman. We were robbed while we were at work. I know how violated you must feel. It's a terrible feeling. But...yes, Life is Good.
An incident like this can change you for sure. We had vandals come through our neighborhood throwing rocks through car windows - little brats with nothing but trouble on their minds. I suppose we would have felt better if they had taken something if they REALLY thought they needed it, but that was not the case. At least no one was injured.
Hope your other trials resolve soon - good thoughts for kitty.
My Brownie went through a similar surgery for growths a few days before we flew to England. (Just to throw one more stresser into the mix!)
So sorry about the robbery. It can happen anywhere. When I lived in Baltimore I bought an "alarm" that sensed movement then "barked" like a large German Shepard and an angery terrier! I was never robbed again after that...
Sorry to read about your "bad luck". I do hope the energy changes soon. You can always hang a bunch of Sage by a door, it helps ward off negative energy (A native tradition). I wish you lots of positive energy your way! Gentle chin rubs for Turbo! Be well!
Oh, my! The other things are normal parts of the ups and downs of life, but the robbery is certainly not. I'm so sorry this happened to you -- and DS's GF.
A couple of years ago when Amy and Andrew came home for Thanksgiving, they returned home to D.C. to find that their half-flight-down from street level apartment had been broken into. Amy's grandmother's jewelry, Andrew's messenger bag and bicycle were among the items stolen. Police said it was likely that the thieves had watched them loading their car on T'giving morning and knew they had plenty of time . . . . They bought their condo a month later.
Oh my. I know how you feel. I live in a very quite neighborhood, I have two policemen as neighbors for goodness sakes! And it didn't help when my car was left unlocked and my cd player and other items were taken. It feels like such a violation. I'm a bit more careful now, my car doors are always locked. I make sure all of the windows are locked at night. I still love my home -- but I sure wish I could feel as secure as I once did. Life IS good -- but sometimes it is hard to remember.
thankyou for visiting my blog, Im sorry to hear about the thieving sadly they are everywhere. Yes though the clouds get up there and gets a little dark now and again we do have to remind ourselves "Life-Is-Good" I agree with you there.
So sorry about the long list of problems cropping up all at once. Hopefully this meant you had a long period without any problems! Do you not lock the doors where you live, or did they break the locks?
I've decided you've had enough shadow in your life, and hopefully the sunshine will come out nice and bright shortly.
Sorry you got robbed. It is such a terrible feeling.
It is hard to realise there are such people about.
Glad to read you little Turbo is ok. Hope the luck changes now!
I'm so glad Turbo is better. I hope all the tests come out alright. Your post reminded me that we take our safety for granted. I too, do not think thieves would ever try to rob my house just because there isn't much in it to rob. But they wouldn't know that unless they tried would they? There is really nothing that could keep someone from breaking in. I too, would be more upset at having my peace of mind ravaged than anything else. I hope you'll feel secure and safe soon.
My dear thoughts go to you and to Turbo. I hope you can find a bit of sunshine after such an horrible time. Take care.
How awful! I wish thieves realised that it's not so much the stuff that goes missing but how deeply it affects our souls. The next batch of good things that happen will feel extra good since you've felt so low lately :-)
Wow, sorry to hear about all the bad luck. Hope the trip changes things around. Sometimes just going away helps.
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