I had a crash on Thursday, well... not me, but my lap top. It wasn't good... noises I shouldn't have been hearing coming from a computer (squeals and whines) and the screen flashing black-white-black... then black, full time. Kyle was able to open it in safe mode and extract my files onto an external hard drive, so nothing's lost. Except me. I feel lost. The most frustrating part of this is my embroidery software, I'm not sure what I still have on file as that's what was running when things went from bad to worse... I can always recreate anything I really need, I've done it once; and I can load the software onto a new laptop, I own the discs. And yet... there's a feeling of helplessness when things like this occur. I am also experiencing a feeling of abandonment, of a trust that's been broken... silly, to feel that for an inanimate object manufactured by Hewlett-Packard, and yet I did (perhaps blindly) commit to it my plans and schedules, my files, everyone's contact information and my photos! I can use the PC that we have in the study, (that's what I'm doing now) but it's just not the same; it's a "right church-wrong pew" kind of feeling. This will impact my blogging short-term; I'll be back, though...
I'm down, but certainly not out!
Life is Good!
Starting out on a new computer is such a pain...think of it a gaining a new friend! I'm the same way about some objects...I still have my first sewing machine and pictures of each of my cars!
Hope everything is put back in order soon. After experiencing the 'blue screen of death' last year, I can certainly feel your anguish and frustration.
How funny. I was feeling the same way yesterday. My son was able to put things somewhat in order but I wonder what I'm going to do if it completely goes. We're a one computer family and I visualize losing all my blog friends! Does this justify a computer purchase (which is an expense I don't need right now!)
How awful for you. I would be lost without mine too!
I wondered where you were!
Sounds dreadful. So sorry that it happened! Electronics are so good as long as they work...when they don't they're really really bad!
I know the feeling, just went through it myself. It must be something in the air. I am getting used to a new HP, hope I like it. All computers have their quirks but I sure hope another crash in many many years in the future.
That is the scary thing about computers. You put so much into them and then BAM, they can turn on you. I feel your pain!
I wondered where you were too. I know how you feel. I have bonded unnaturally to some "things" as well. Like my palm pilot. Man, if that ever goes out I am in big trouble!! Come and visit, I missed you!
How awful, I can't do with out my computer, they are wonderful when they are running OK, but frustrating when they aren't.
What more can be said then computers are running our lives.
Wishing you the best getting all of your files.
Hope this problem is rectified soon.
Too bad it was not in the jeep on Monday night.
I know that is a bad thing to say, but so true....
I know the feeling. This one's been sick for a while, and I've managed to revive it several times. I think your experience is a reminder for everyone to back up their files. I need to do mine again. Hopefully you get up and running with your new laptop in no time!
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