Last evening was our monthly Church Council meeting. December's meeting is concluded, each year, with election of officers. I have a new job for 2008, not VP again this year (who, by virtue of that office becomes the chair of the Personnel Committee); no, this time I was elected President! I handed off one ball from the juggling line-up and picked up another, something tells me that this ball won't be as large or as heavy... I hope I'm right. I don't see how, at this time, that it possibly could be. I'll spend the next few weeks happily getting the Personnel papers in order for our new VP, he'll do a fine job in that capacity. And so, here I go again... stepping into unchartered waters. I pray that I can live up to the faith and trust that's been placed in me,
please join me in that prayer. In the meantime I'll have to sneak in therapy sessions with my Bernina when I can... that is 'sew' necessary for both preserving my sanity,
and soothing my soul! Another year, another task; and so it goes.

Life is Good!

You have obviously earned the respect of your fellow Council members. I know you'll do a wonderful job. Congratulations on your new appointment!
Big hug!
How wonderful to have another opportunity to make a significant contribution.
Covered in Prayer, *karendianne.
A huge responsibility, but you handled the past year so well, it is little wonder you were elected! You will do well. Love, N, NP
Best wishes to you ~ despite your doubts, your faith and abilities will surely see you through.
I am sure you will do a wonderful job in your new post! Congrats!
Just found you through Darlene's blog. Am about to stroll through your archieves.
Congratulations on your new post, President Goodneedle. I'm sure you'll do a fine job at it.
:) can't wait to visit the new president and first gentleman!
Congrats you will be a good President.
ciao ciao
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