Things are moving along at The Strawberry Patch, albeit at a snail's pace. If I went any slower I'd be
backing up... back is the operative word here. Groan. I don't take kindly to being involuntarily side-lined, or even slowed down for that matter. Four hours in a folding chair (I was enrolled in a class) on Friday undid all the healing up to that point. The church pew didn't help things yesterday either. Today I'm still working on the borders for my batik quilt, but can only work in spurts and short bursts and then I need to apply heat to my lower back and rest again. Bummer. I think the results will be worth it... on the quilt
and on my back! I'll be
back soon... sorry, I couldn't resist that one.
Life is Good!
Hope you are better soon! Take care of yourself!
Sounds miserable. Feel better quickly!
Oh no there is nothing worse than back pain and spasm. You think naturally move and bam... your back grips you and tells you something different. Take it easy and get better soon.
I wanted to come by and say thank you for your sweet and kind words you said about my girls. It not only warmed my heart but it made me feel special. I love when you come over to my place ((SMILE))!! I checked out Mason's BLOG and I can't believe how big he's got!! I still remember the first pictures you sent out when you were holding him in the hospital. His smile, his face, his adorable expressions...are priceless! Thanks again for all your kind words. You really make a person feel wonderful! Have a great day...and keep the pictures coming of Mason!
Oh, Mrs G, you have my empathy, as I await back surgery, I know your pain. Take things slowly, and here's hoping for a very speedy recovery. (no more folding chairs, not without a cushion at least!) :o)
Man, nothing like being held back. Although if I know you, you'll claw your way back to fine form sooner rather than later. Try to avoid any backbreaking work but if you need me, use the usual back channels.
Back in the Game with Love, *karendianne.
You have my sympathies -- I so understand. The last few days it's been my neck. It's so frustrating when you WANT to sew but your body won't let you.
Remember, the tortise was the one who won the race...take care of you and don't try to do too much too soon!
Take it easy and feel better soon *s*
I know a good massage therapist!
Hello Mrs. Goodneedle,
I've missed you! It's so good to be able to catch up with you again.
I've missed some great posts.... the Pastor's stole, Stickin It, and Hanne's new room... what fun read! Tell Hanne I can't wait to see him play in his new room.
Hope you feeling better soon. Take care!
I'm so sorry to read that you're down in the back. There's not much worse than that when you are used to being active. Isn't it the pits getting old! I'd share my Aleve if you want! Hope you feel better soon.
Oh nooooo, an aching back is just the pits! For sure take it easy and hopefully the heat will help. I am convinced that backaches are meant to remind us to slow down a bit...but who needs that reminder, when there is quilting to be done.
Wishing you better! Quilts to be made!!!
I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself first! Have a cup of tea!
Zlaty :)
Bless your heart!! I understand! You take care so when you get back, you will be good for awhile. I get aggravated when my body slows me down, bu I guess it knows best and is trying to tell you something. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!!!!!
I feel your pain. After a nine hour drive yesterday, I need to see my massage therapist. He could probably do wonders for you too!
oh mrs. g,
you should tell mr. g that he should build you some sort of hydraulic lift for getting up and down in the church pew....i'm sure there are many people who could benefit from that, so he might be able to start up a business....
either that, or you could just stay home and watch it on tv with your comfy couch and warm heating pad
Hope your back is better. I don't ever throw mine out to make much of a dent in my life except for putting on socks. Who knew my feet were so far away!
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