Yes, another school year has begun again. My husband and I visited our dear daughter-in-law's classroom yesterday at lunch time, she was putting the final touches on her room and preparing to greet a new batch of kindergarten students today! The latest addition to her classroom space this year is a
Promethean Board, (interactive digital white board) we were amazed at this incredible technology that has been implemented in the classrooms at this level. Through her laptop the teacher can transmit through an LCD projector (overhead) to the smart screen which has a stylus for writing directly onto the surface as well as fingertip drag and drop capability. It's one fantastic teaching tool. We've come a long way from 1961 and a television strapped to a rolling cart! I still remember being in the third grade and the joy of sitting on a cold, hard, gymnasium floor with my classmates to watch a live broadcast of America's first manned space flight on a big, black and white TV at school! Wow, I just wonder what these Kindergarten students will use as a measure of technological change fifty years from now. You may wonder who the teacher's assistant is in these photos, it's her husband! Kyle is home from Texas for a job interview and a break from the record setting Texas heat. It's good to have him on this side of the Mississippi River again! We are hopeful that he'll soon return to stay.

Life is Good!
:) thanks for coming by!!
and thanks for lunch! it was great!!
Gosh, this is really amazing. And isn't she so pretty? I love seeing Leigh Anna.
You do have me thinking. In my small town we had TV on rolling carts to watch important events. You know what immediately came to mind? The Space Shuttle Challenger (it happened while I was in school watching) and President Reagan being shot.
And chalk. Lots of chalk.
That computer screen is really something!!! Amazing! Hope the teacher has a wondeful year this year!
I first saw a Smart Board when Amanda was doing her internship....really amazing, like a giant touch screen able to do commands by just a touch of a fingertip. I, too, wonder what technology has in store for these little ones.
Wow!School has really changed!
I appreciate your daughter being a kindergarten teacher. It's a tough job and takes a special person. Good luck to her for this coming school year.
Technology is wonderful . . . . but can you make that scraping sound? *s*
I don't recall seeing anything of historic importance at school, but I do remember that television on a cart in the 'cafetorium' during lunchtime when the World Series was being played.
When we lived overseas all the classrooms had Smart Boards...having come back here to NC and seeing how far behind the state was in comparison was an eye opener for my boys. I'm going to have to tell them the Smart Board has finally arrived! LOL
Smart boards are incredible. Wait until they see her manipulate shapes and words just by putting her finger on the board and dragging them around. Way cool!!!
The Smart Board is cool, but it means there are no more erasers to clap!
(Thought the back of the kneeling person looked familiar-doing what he does so well!) Smart Board is showing up in NC schools in this remarkable economic time....You're a super M-i-law, stopping by to see, support and have lunch!
Holy cow! I didn't even know that such a thing was possible! I want one...
My DDIL is a kindergarten teacher,as well! And I don't know if she knows about these..so I'm sending her a link to your post. With Oregon's economy, I don't think our bond supports such a fabulous tool, but one can always dream! Lovely,that your DIL has, and is able to use, such an amazing resource! And how cute are they, working together like that? Awesome in all ways!
Yep and we wonder why kids can't sit still anymore without a gameboy in front of them. But, hey all we can do is embrace technology and move forward with them (and offer to take them hiking every once in a while) Here is to a good year for DIL and all the kids!
Wow! Impressive. Hope she has a great year!
Wow this is impressive! Nothing like this around here...."We" started kindergarten 2 weeks ago and are already back in the routine again.
Can't stop chuckling....I really was born in the dark ages!! Went to an eight grade country school. We had electric lights and that's about it. Not even a party line. I remember walking home (1 1/2 Miles)in the winter crying all the way because I had such an ear ache. With no phone there was no way to contact parents. That's why I'm blown away when I think how my life has changed...I'm a blogger and am on facebook...so funny!!
I am sure kindergarten has changed a whole lot since we have been in school and just imagine what it will be like in just a few short years when Mason goes to school.
Love the picture of his first haircut.
mrs goodneedle! you are dating yourself there, dear; alas, I also recall the first manned space flight as well. waited forever perched on a wooden desk in the adjoining classroom, only to have the flight over in minutes! it was momentous and memorable!
We are getting smart boards this year when the renovation of our school is completed. It will be quite an exciting year for us- My kinder's begin next week - it is always an exciting time for me and my kids. Trying to keep up with all the technology is a challenge but it keeps me learning new things....the joys of being a teacher...
Hope your daughter in law is having a good start to her year and that Kyle's interview went well...
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