Fannye Hall was the matriarch of our quilt guild, she died unexpectedly in December 2005. She taught almost everyone in our county, and beyond, to quilt. She attended every meeting and saw to it that they were run properly. After her death a collection of quilt tops were discovered by her family and generously donated to the guild that Fannye loved, to be auctioned with the proceeds going toward guild projects and education. This split hexagon was one of them. I didn't purchase this one, my friend
Nane did. She appliqued the edges to the solid navy border and for some reason I volunteered to quilt it for her! I don't normally do things like that, I surprised myself! "What have I gotten myself into?", I worried. Then I laughed, thinking all along that it was Fannye who made me do it, she always had a way of recruiting volunteers! All summer the prepared top has languished in the closet, I loaded it on Tuesday and said a little prayer, I talked to Fannye as I threaded the machine and asked her what she wanted me to do on this one. I was prepared to quilt swirls and squiggles in and out of each little half-hex. "Talk to me, Fannye" I

implored. I turned Sundance on and we got started, in and out, back and forth, round and round. I was mesmerized by both the rhythm of the movements and the diverse collection of fabrics that Fannye had hand-stitched together. I finished the first section and advanced the roller to begin again. "What do you think, Fannye?" I asked out loud. Her answer popped into my head. "It's a lot more work than I would have put into it!" I laughed again, "really?" I asked her. "It's nice" came the response. Was I imagining Fannye's responses? I don't know. I asked her to talk to me, she was a woman of few words; I hope she approves.
Life is Good!
I think each of us has a beloved Fannye in our lives, our groups, and our hearts. And once they are gone, they leave bigger holes behind them then they would ever have guessed.
You not only had a beautiful quilting day with your Fannye, but her heart spoke to yours and in your lovely words and your quilting, you have spoken back....not just to Fannye, but to all of us.
I'm offering a little prayer to all of the Fannye's in this world and to all of the women who recognize the gift that they were and still are, in our lives. Lovely, lovely post, Mrs. G!
I know she would approve. It looks so wonderful! The quilting is inspired.
I think maybe you did hear her. The "It's lot more work than I would have put into it" sounded so much like her. She would have just said, "get it done!" But I'm sure she's smiling somewhere. It looks great!
You did a great job! Not just on the quilt, but your writings are a great tribute to your friend. The post was very touching. Thanks!
She heard you ~ and so do we.
Marvelous (!!!!!) post.
I agree with Michele. Absolutely she heard & spoke with you. Beautiful ... TTFN ~Marydon
I cant wait to use this one and remember BOTH special quilters that worked on it!
Without a doubt....she approves!
A beautiful post about a beautiful woman. I love that your hearts spoke to each other.
That was a nice tribute to read about Fannye Hall. Our quilt guild has a member like that as well. I think every member has taken at least one class for her. Great post.
I do love this quilt, the pattern and your post is pure delight. I must say I had such the smile on my face reading about your chat with Fannye, connecting with her feelings, conjuring her words. That's a sure and certain reflection of the power, faith and love within your soul. Not everyone touches the light my friend. Not in this way, in the way you do ~ connecting with "ours" in the heavens above. They are never lost to us, are they?
I think a little of each quilter goes into her quilts so yep, she was probably talking to you! :)
Where would we be without the Fannyes of the world?? I don't even want to know!
Great story!!
I'm sure she is smiling in heaven and telling her friends about her lovely day spent with you. I have an elder friend who taught me to quilt. When she knew life was short she wanted me to have her featherweight and some quilts. Each and every time I try to use the featherweight I end up with tears in my eyes and I can feel her warmth.
Beautiful. I'm sure she was speaking to you, what a gift that was!
Beautiful quilt, quilting and post...thanks for sharing :-)
The Fannye in my guild is named Beulah - and she's still with us, thank goodness. She fell last week and cracked her hip but walked on it till this week when they xrayed it for the 2nd time and found the crack! She's 87 and still quilting! blessings, marlene
Cute story! Looks very nice.
It is going to be beautiful!
I remember that quilt. You did an awesome job of quilting. I think Fannye would like it and I am sure Nane does.
It's a beautiful quilt and your quilting really makes it exciting! Lovely story. I can just hear Fannye talk!
What a beautiful tribute to honor your friend that you have shared with us, not only your words, but the quilt too! Thank you for sharing, I do believe the feelings of words are very real...and I am convinced Fannye is content and happy with the job you did with her quilt! Thank you again, your words and the words of Fannye will stay with me as I work on future projects!
I bet she was talking to you. It's nice that you were open to listening!
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