28 September, 2009

Shop Hoppin'

Hippity-hop, from shop to shop, that's how I spent the weekend; I have the perfect footwear to do just that! It was a QUILT Shop Hop, six shops were on the list. I began the hop at my LQS on Thursday, added two more shops on Friday, and three on Saturday, it was the perfect way to spend a soggy, rainy weekend! At each shop I picked up a different row kit for the exclusive Shop Hop Row Quilt, the participating shops also gave away fat quarters and stamped the Shop Hop passport at each stop. The filled passport was surrendered at the last shop for a gift drawing, the grand prize being a stay at The Grove Park Inn. I think my bunny slippers would be very happy visiting there! Wish me luck! In the meantime, let the sewing begin, row by row.

Life is Good!

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Nane said...

What a great way to spend the weekend, and thats a great idea for them to give a row kit for each stop. Sure incents everyone to hit all the stores! Good Luck on the drawing!

Paula, the quilter said...

That is the way our local shop hop used to be. But for the last 3 years they have combined it under one roof and invited more shops. It is essentially a quilt show with a certain quilt pattern available. I like the way it used to be. The reason they did that was gas prices and the driving distances and snow storms: ours is held in April. April + Rocky Mountains is a guaranteed snow storm. Good Luck!

Janet said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! And I hope you win the grand prize - a night at that hotel would be awesome!

lindsey said...

This sounds like you had a great time.Will look forward to seeing the results of your buys.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Cute bunnies!

Domestic Designer said...

Oh good luck! I hope you win. I have stayed there once and it was wonderful!

Zlaty said...

OH My, I want your bunny sleepers!!!

I am thinking of doing a shop hop this year, I have never done it before!

Have fun hoping!


Anonymous said...

What shops were on the hop? Why didn't I know about this?....oooo!!!

Carrie P. said...

I did a shop hop in Raleigh several years ago and it can wear you out so those slippers would come in very handy.

Quilting Memories said...

DH and I went to 3 on Saturday, knew we didn't have time for all of them, but enjoyed the 3 we went to. (Hickory, Shelby and Charlotte) so we were just missing each other I guess! I was a little dissapointed in the one at Charlotte, but am glad I went, now I know!
We were waiting for our new truck to get to the dealer so we could pick it up late on Sat. evening. I am glad that ordeal is over, I hate buying a new vehicle, maybe we won't have to buy another one for many years!

Salem Stitcher said...

I hate I missed it but my bunny slippers were kicked back at the beach while I appliqued and napped.