03 May, 2010

Presentation Of The Quilts!

You've seen this photo before, I worked the entire month of April, in tandem with our Quilt Ministry, to get the quilts prepared for our congregation's graduating high school seniors. We had sixteen quilts finished, ready and waiting on the front pews yesterday morning. I have copied the quilt presentation portion of the Senior Recognition service here, it was beautiful! All the late nights of stitching were worth every minute. The parallel between wrapping up in a quilt and being surrounded by a loving Christian community is humbling.

Presentation of the Quilts

[A] Dear Friends in Christ, there was a day when your parents held you in their arms and rocked

you to sleep. They cuddled you in a blanket to keep you warm, safe and comforted. Very

soon you will be launching a new life, away from the safety and security of this home, family,

church and community. As you go out into the world, may this quilt be a reminder of your

parents’ love and the nurture of this Christian community.

(Parents stand with back to the altar and with child facing them, wrap quilt around child’s shoulders,

leaving hands on shoulders while they repeat the blessing, following the pastor’s prompts.)

Parent(s): __________, I come this day before God to bless you and thank Him for your life.

You have given my life a deeper meaning and calling. Through you, I have

experienced God’s love, joy and forgiveness. Wherever you go, whatever you do, my

love goes with you; you will always be part of my heart. May this quilt remind you of

the warmth of my love, the care of this faith community and the comfort of the Holy

Spirit. And on those nights when I cannot wrap you in my arms, wrap yourself in this

quilt and know that in God’s family you are never alone.

(Parents and graduate switch places. Parents hold quilt while graduate place hands on parents’

shoulders to bless them by repeating these words after the pastor.)

Graduate Addressing Parent(s): You have given of your heart and of your home. You have

loved and cared for me, even when it was difficult. Today I honor and thank you for

your courage, patience, wisdom and love. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I will

always be your child, blessed by your love. I thank God for blessing my life with you.

[P] The Lord be with you..

Congregation: And also with you.

As you might imagine, there wasn't a dry eye to be had!
Life is Good!


Michele Bilyeu said...

How very, very lovely! It must have been an amazing experience...from beginning to end. Thank you so much for sharing this..I'm sure the spirit of this amazing project will only pay it forward from each of those blessed graduates, their parents, and the wonderful quilters out into the world!

Linda in NC said...


Laura said...

That is a wonderful thing that you did for those families!

Pat said...

Oh what a lovely thing to do!!!! A tangible way to show the love & warmth surrounding these graduates. I'm puddling up as I read too.

Anonymous said...

This was a very special post and it sounds like a wonderful experience for the kids! Well worth the effort! Thanks for sharing!

MJMR said...

Hate I missed the service yesterday. Ro said it was really nice. the show in Hickory was great.

G'G'ma said...

What a wonderful ministry that is for your graduates. If you don't mind I'd like to make a copy of that litany.I can believe there were very few dry eyes!! We were at U of MI for twin grandsons graduations Sat. They proudly showed me that they were still using the graduation quilts I made 4 years ago...I was honored!!!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

This is just lovely.

Barb said...

Very special indeed, a wonderful tribute! Thank you for sharing what I am sure is special for the graduates, their families and the love in the quilts!

Mama Spark said...

I love this. May I borrow it?

Quiltdivajulie said...

No dry eyes here, either. Blessings to you and all those who participate.

LizA. said...

Thanks for sharing. Our church, also Lutheran, gives quilts to the graduating seniors also. However, we are much smaller and actually make pieced and quilted quilts. I've been coordinating the program for several years now. Ours will get presented in another month. I've forwarded your blog to our pastor. I thought she would be interested in reading the quilt presentation portion.