I asked for name suggestions
here last week and you came through, all of your ideas were fantastic and I do thank you. Nancy, who
blogs near Philadelphia, thought she was being a smarty-pants with 'Stars and Scraps'. I called her on that and raised her idea: 'Stars and Scraps
Forever' was born. This is the prototype block. Designing in Electric Quilt is one thing; but seriously, if it's not sew-able what good is it? I couldn't be happier with EQ6, every design that I have come up with has been precise and easy to stitch. I was a little worried about the star points on this one, however. When I printed out the pattern the angles were marked as 63 degrees...
huh? Angles scare me and if it it isn't 45 or 90 degrees I break out in a cold sweat. I was committed to this design though and I figured there had to be

an easy way to figure this one out without resorting to templates. There was:
Tri-Recs Tools to the rescue. I dug around in my ruler drawer and these came floating up to the surface; still wrapped in their original cellophane (
how long have I had these?) with the price tag attached. I recall
Quiltkeemosabe telling me that we
needed those rulers one day when we were out shopping together. I was ever-so-thankful yesterday morning, in those wee pre-dawn hours, that I had taken her advice way-back-when. The points were quickly cut from strip sets and went together easy and (even better)
accurately! I told her how thankful I was and she just smiled, knowingly. For the record, I would like for Quiltkeemosabe to know that she
thinks I don't listen to her! If the truth were known, I'm all ears... I've got a drawer full of tools to prove it!
Life is Good!
I thought you all were saying a Tri Rex tool all this time! The right tool for the job does make things easier! Maybe we will see a few stars in person at the barn on Monday?
I'm always buying new tools but forgetting I have them...or even worse, how to use them. :) blessings, marlene
Great job on the design and the name is perfect for it! I do have those rulers too and i am happy with them as well! Do you know you can pre order EQ7 for $58 till May 30th. I am gonna pre-order mine today.
Have a great day!
Love the name!
aww, isn't this great? I LOVE IT! I am IN love with it. Enjoyed reading this post and your adventure with the tools, too. Beautiful block my friend. Oh so pretty this is going to be.
LOVE the name! It's perfect. I have those rulers too and don't use them that often, but, boy oh boy, when you do need them, they sure make things a whole lot easier.
How great that you remembered you had that wonderful tool! The block looks terrific. Congrats on pulling off what you wanted--a well made and sharp looking design.
Love your design and the name! Tri Recs Stars are a fav of mine and are in my Indian Paintbrush pattern. I had the pleasure of meeting Darlene Zimmerman at market! She comes up with great tools!
Yes, Quiltskmosabe knows her quilting tools!!
OOOOH, I need to get one of those tools. I have seen that "star" in many patterns but have shyed away from it.
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