Mason has this book, he just LOVES it; it was a birthday gift. He wants to hear the rhyming Bible stories over and over; he adores looking at, and identifying things, in the illustrations as well. I was reading to him the other day, the story from Matthew's gospel of Jesus calming the storm. At the end there is a drawing of Jesus, in a white robe, standing on the deck of the boat with outstretched arms. Mason ran his finger along the picture of Jesus and looked up at me questioningly.
"Jesus" I said.
He looked back at the picture intently, then back up and me and stated, firmly: "God"!
Life is Good!
i love that he loves it!
it is, by far, my favorite bible!
Good book, and good theology! :-D (Mason's had some good teaching, too, sounds like! :-D) I've heard it said that the whole of the Bible can be summed up in "Jesus loves me, this I know!" Powerful stuff, that!
Mary Lou
Sounds like a great book! I will remember it!
I need to find that book. Oh, but the image in my mind of that sweet face looking up at you and saying firmly "God" makes me weak in the knees!
Out of the mouths of babes. It is amazing what children understand when it comes to God.
Yep its that simple and we adults sometimes can't see the obvious. Hope Mommy's getting better adjusted to the crutches and is on the mend.
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