Sundance has been working overtime, stitching around all the
love and best wishes on this wedding signature quilt. These Rail Fence blocks sat beneath flower arrangements on the tables at a
Nane and GP's recent wedding reception where guests were invited to sign their names and express their happiness, in written form, to the newlyweds.
Salem Stitcher did the piecing and KB appliquéd the love birds. Nane is in our Bee; we've watched our friend fall in love and shared in her happiness from the earliest days of that first date through the courtship, engagement and, ultimately, her wedding! This quilt makes my heart smile, it's impossible not to feel all the happy love woven together here; stitching on this piece is an experience of pure joy.

Can't you feel it?
Life is Good!

Look at that sweet, loving quilt! The appliqued love birds is a real unique and special element. I really like that and you and Sundance - wow, that quilting just pulls it all together. You sure have come a long way from that week you and DH drove to (where was it) to learn about Sundance and how to get started. Oh yeah baby, look have far you've come!!!
I heard GP introduce Nane as his wife the other day and I just about teared up. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It all still makes me smile so big my cheeks hurt!
What a great story! You know what will be next, don't you? The Bee ladies need to get busy again.
Fabulous idea, that signatire wedding quilt! What a handsome and meaningful rememberence of their special day. May they be cuddling beneath it for many years to come!
Fabulous idea, that signatire wedding quilt! What a handsome and meaningful rememberence of their special day. May they be cuddling beneath it for many years to come!
I do so love the idea of the signature quilt (weddings especially, but I could see it for christenings or baptisms or graduations . . . )
Oh yes, we can feel the love!
I love this idea! The quilt is also really sweet! :-)
Mary Lou
What a lovely quilt! For many more years! The quilting of the hearts is so nice touch!
Awwwww, what a great story and quilt. I know a couple other people that did that with the signature blocks. What a neat reminder of a special, special day. Beautiful!
Beautiful quilt and quilting for a sweet and treasured gift. Best wishes to the happy couple!
THANK YOU, but I can't say that enough. This will look so good in our cabin with the matching ring bearer pillows. But don't get any ideas about the "next" quilt that Paula the quilter mentions...she doesn't realize how old we are!!
What a great idea and I just know the couple will cherish it for many many years to come.
Oh, yeah, love is good! What a terrific project to get to be a part of :)
I have always wanted to make a signature quilt from a wedding reception. I wonder when or if I'll ever get a chance. My kids are still not ready to get married.
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