08 September, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Summer 2010 is one for the record books; very hot and humid, I'm not going to miss it one little bit. We had a fun and busy weekend. The weather was absolutely phenomenal; the perfect way to usher in a new season. We were lucky enough to meet up with our favorite two-year-old on Friday for a quick bite of dinner and a hug before he was off, with his Mommy and Daddy, for some relaxation in the mountains. The rest of my weekend was spent piecing, and quilting. The baby quilts are being made in pairs around here these days, so if you're enjoying the pink one (above) you need to take a peek at the blue one (below) too! I cut apart two ABC panels, (thanks, Quiltkeemosabe!) combined them with two coordinating jelly rolls and... voilà; two 55" X 55" baby play quilts for tummy-time. I'll post more about what I'm quilting later on this week. I should have spent all my time inside; I did some weeding and managed to come in contact with poison ivy which resulted in a painful, itchy patch just above my left knee. That'll teach me to leave the sewing room, and do yard work, now won't it?
Pass the calamine lotion...
Life is Good!


quiltkeemosabe said...

Love the quilts!!! They look great. Just got a new alphabet panel(different print than these) in the store today, just in case you need to do a third one!

Paula, the quilter said...

Love the quilts. But I wouldn't be a proper CarGuy's wife if I forgot to comment on the Ford truck. Love the script that makes it look like a Coke. Early 40's is it?

Zlaty said...

The baby quilts are so cute, so is your grandson!!! Aren't you lucky that you have to make two different ones! :) You would be bored to make two of the same colors!

I hope your leg will stop itching!

OhQuilter said...

The Quilts are adorable. I was wondering if we would get a sneak peek at what was in the works for the new Grandbabies. Mason in the Ford truck gave me a big smile after a long day! What an adorable little boy! Such a classic picture!

Nane said...

I think I know where that Ford lives...did you all get ice cream? They are having a cruise in there the last Thursday of the month! Little boys and trucks just go together. The quilts look great, and I can't wait to see the posting about the other one you are working on!!!!!

Angie said...

I'm with you on this hot Summer we've had---glad to feel the kiss of cooler Fall temps. That child is adorable in that beautiful red Ford!! :) The quilts are adorable.

Karen Newman Fridy said...

He is such a little man!! So cute. Goodness...growing up so fast. I bet he'll be a terrific big brother!

Carrie P. said...

Oh, such a sweet picture of gs in the truck.
Sweet quilts too. Sorry about your poison ivy. It doesn't bother me but it sure does my husband.

leigh anna said...

oh baby G is going to LOVE this! :)
i tried to show him, but he didn't seem all that interested tonight, however, that will change soon enough! :)

AnnieO said...

Both are looking very fun and charming--just like babies! Mason is getting so big, how cute he looks in the red truck. Sorry your gardening ended up all itchy and scratchy.