When my daughter picked Mason up from Preschool earlier this week she was informed that one thing that he was going to need to work on was eating only
HIS OWN lunch! My daughter was surprised by this information but assured the teacher that they would discuss this at home. Mason chatted on about "Casey's lunch" as they drove home, wearing some other child's (probably Casey's!) tell-tale strawberry jelly on his face! He now understands that he is to eat only what mommy puts in
MASON'S lunchbox. I believe when they all sat down to eat that he thought it was a Preschool
Pot-luck; hey, he is Lutheran after all!
Life is Good!
Too funny...
Oh how I love this blog entry...I am sure Mason was more then happy to share his lunch with others, he has learned the art of swapping lunches at a very young age :>)!! Really this is soooooo cute, makes me smile just thinking about it, his innocent little face with the strawberry jam as evidence! Gotta love preschool stories!
Isn't "pot luck" what life is all about?
Debbie, oh lordy this made me crack up. Guffaws! I tell ya!!!
I laughed and laughed at this post - pre-school potluck is a sight to behold I'm sure. :) blessings, marlene
So cute! These are the little moments that make up the chapters of children's lives. The way I look at it, at least he's eating and enjoying food (even if it's not his own!). I know a certain 2-year-old who has to be coaxed and cajoled through every meal. He didn't get his Daddy's good-eating gene, that's for sure. Mason's going to love church potluck dinners! :-)
That is just too funny.....he sure is a cutie!
Oh my...that's too cute!
LOL, yeah, we definitely don't allow the K kids to share food because of allergies. But they always try it - they're generous in that way, and the recipients are not ashamed to ask for what they want! Ahh the joys of childhood innocence!
What a hoot! I can just imagine the discussion involved w/ the exchange! What wonderful stories to share! Thanks!
Hee! I just can't believe how fast he is growing...
Love the pre-school stories-brings so many great memories back. how are you? YOu always make me smile! Are you working on the smocking?? Can't wait to see it. We are coming to N.C. in a couple of day for just three days for my son's commisoning as a Col. before he deploys overseas again. It will be so good to see the kids again. Miss them so much. HOpe to chat soon. Hugs, Marie
So funny!
I like you idea of calling Casey's mom to find out what's for lunch myself!
I like you idea of calling Casey's mom to find out what's for lunch myself!
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