My very pregnant daughter missed the bottom step in her garage and broke her foot yesterday morning. She was on her way to the car and was carrying Mason on her left hip; he is just fine, and so is the baby. Her right foot didn't fare as well; she heard the bone break as she went down. I am helping out in the Capital City this week, there's lots to do when the doctor's order is no weight bearing for six weeks. Easy to prescribe but hard to do for a woman who manages her home, has an active two-year-old (who likes to hijack her crutches!) and has a nursery to furnish and prepare! I'll be here through Saturday and will relinquish my resident status when other family members move in to take their shifts with Mason-watching and general helping out; we're all happy to be here and do what we can, but no one will be happier than my daughter when she can relieve us on a permanent basis. Please remember her in prayer for speedy healing and patience along the road to recovery!
Life is Good!
Wishing your daughter a quick recovery and thank goodness you don't live far away and were available on moments notice. This means you miss the NC Longarm show!! But Mason and momma are most important.
Oh, ouch! Broken bones are no fun - and then to have "two" little ones to take care of - your daughter needs all the help you can give her. Bless her heart - and yours!
Oh, NOOOOOO! Poor thing -- she certainly doesn't need THIS right now! Prayers for all of you . . . .
God love her!! (as we say in the almost-south! :-D) Sounds like family and friends are available in abundance, and that's a great blessing. I assume her recovery includes at least one of Mom's quilts?
Mary Lou
I pray also that your daughter has a speedy recovery..And a huge thanks to God for keeping Mason and the baby safe...Hugs Michelle
What a freak thing!!! I left her a little comment, hoping for a quick recovery and I just knew you'd end up there this week. ;-) It's not all work though, is it? ;-) Sending Grammie hugs to Nana!
So, sorry to hear that! I am glad you are there to help this week!
Wishing her a speedy recovery!
Oh my! Wishing her a quick recovery and a positive state of mind. Is now the time to lauch your line of creative cast covers?
Prayers are coming to you and and your daughter. Happy to hear that Mason and the baby are fine. It is wonderful that your able to be there ot help out, I love to be able to be with my kids and help too.Your in thought today and everyday my friend. Blessings , Marie
Prayers to you all!
Oh dear - I hope she has a quick recovery . . . . and you find great joy in your 'bonus' Mason time *S*
Oh goodness! I'm glad no one was seriously hurt. Best thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery!
Oh Debbie. Goodness. Prayers added and sending continually. Goodness friend. I'm shaking just thinking about how that must have felt and hearing the crack, too. Bless her. Oh Bless her. Goodness. Thank you for sharing and keep us updated.
Ouch! Oh this is so bad to happen to anyone, but to a young mother seems to really compound the fracture. Its great she has good family support and I know you must be enjoying spending time with her and Mason.
I will say a prayer for her and pray that her recovery will go well.
Check with her doctor and local medical supply vendors - there is a "scooter" for folks who must not bear weight on a foot (looks like a tricycle, but you kneel the injured leg on a cushioned pad and wheel about). One of my co-workers has used this twice during her long (2 year) recovery from a fall and a broken ankle. We even bought her streamers for the handlebars and a bicycle bell so she could signal as she approached blind corners (and yes, we did hijack it every so often when we needed a giggle break). Gave her much more mobility and personal freedom of movement. Maybe it would benefit your daughter!
I'm praying for your daughter... I broke both my feet recently in a similar freak accident. Hugs to her and your family as you help her out.
Oh I do hope she heals quickly. In the meantime enjoy your days with them.
Oh MY, poor thing!!!! I wish her well!!
I bet she was so scared! Then once knowing everyone was OK, just annoyed. A Mommy w/ lots to do!! Hope her pain is minimal and manageable. She is very lucky to have family close by for help! Hope you are all doing well and I know you are enjoying your visit.
Bless her heart what a difficult time for this to happen. I'm praying for the time to pass quickly. :) blessings, marlene
Oh my, how scary! Glad she has wonderful parents and family to help out at this not-so-great time to get a broken foot. How uncomfortable she must be! Best wishes for speedy bone building. Good thing she is young and healthy :)
Is it by any chance a Jones fracture? (5th metatarsal). If so, I did this a few years ago and she has my sympathy. I am glad you are there to help because she really does need to stay off her foot so the bones can heal - a Jones does not heal easily. Having said that, I was a 'good girl' and mine healed well. All good wishes and if it is a different bone, I am sorry if I have interfered!
Oh, that is tough and frustrating for her but is good that you can help her out. I sure every thing you do is appreciated.
Lord, thank you for protecting Mrs. Goodneedle's grandbabies. For keeping Mason from harm, for cushioning the expected one. Lord thank you that family is near enough to be able to help out. We ask for rapid healing and cheerful confinement. Thank you for Your loving protection. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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