29 October, 2011

Needling You...

I got my flu shot today...
don't forget yours!

Life is Good!
...and better if your'e not sick...

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LizA. said...

Thanx for the reminder--I really MUST do this....

Paula, the quilter said...

Got mine several weeks ago.

Ancestor Collector said...

Yay for you!!! I gave about 75 flu shots yesterday.....much easier on my end of the needle. ;-)

Cheryl said...

A very good reminder...got mine!!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Done. [Actually, our firm has a nurse come to the office and administer flu shots to those who elect to participate.]

Janet O. said...

My husband's employer does what Quiltdivajulie's work does. The shots are free for the employees and the family members of the employees are invited to came and get their shots for about $2.50 each. Can't argue with that! Got it last month and I got body aches afterward for the first time ever. Lasted a couple of days.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

oh no, not for me. I have only one flu shot in my life, and the military made me get that one. That one shot put me in bed for over 3 weeks, I couldn't move I hurt so bad. Never, never, never again.

Tanya said...

I've never done that... we can get them free if over 65. A few more years until I qualify (thank goodness!)