I've been hanging out with my youngest grandson the last couple of days, we've had a LOT of fun. He can now tell Nana what a baby monkey and what a kitten says; he will be 15 months old tomorrow and is just too cute! During his
ever-diminishing (vanishing?) naptimes I have been working on the Chubby Chicks, giving them legs to stand on. That, and playing with
Picnik photo editing, I have used the free version through Picasa for the last year or so. Picnik is going away, for good, on April 19; they are now offering all of their editing effects, even the premium version,
at no charge, until that time! Give it a try, you'll be amazed at what you can create.
"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.”Josh Billings
...and have a little creative fun along the way...
Life is Good!
Swiftly he grows!
What a cutie!
Love the chick--and the Josh Billings quotation. : )
Great quote . . . oh, HE IS SO SWEET!!!
Oh, that disappearing naptime...really crimps one's quilting time, doesn't it? ;-) But he's just so cute and the trade off is pretty special. :-)
Love that red hair and big grin!
Thanks for the word on Picnik. I've only used it a couple of times (about as much as I've used Flickr).
As cute as he is, I see a definite mischievous twinkle in those eyes.....
I've been using PhotoShope Elements for years--I love all the cool stuff you can do withit. Now to just find the time to do it....
Oh my goodness he is adorable, makes me miss my little granddaughter even more!
Happy Sewing...when you can :0)
Such a sweet little grandson and lovely photo's too. I can imagine how much fun you have been having.
Well, i didn't think that boy could get any cuter but there he is, cuter than ever!
That's a pretty handsome grandson you got there!
Well, that was fun! I've "wasted" 30 minutes playing with Picnik.
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