I have a drawer full of specialty tools and the flimsy paper instruction sheets that come with them. Unfortunately, over time, those sheets get torn, dog-eared and stained from simple, normal, wear and tear. Ask me how I know. With the help of my daughter in law (thanks, honey!) these instruction sheets are now laminated and highly durable. These sheets will stand the test of time and weather all the use and abuse I can throw at them, even an occasional spill. Someday, when I pass my quilting tools on to the next generation (or beyond) the instructions will be as perfect and pristine as the day I bought them, and it won't be because I didn't use them; I
use my tools and
I need the instructions!
“Never memorize something that you can look up.”
― Albert Einstein
Life is Good!
Brilliant! I should be so organized. I'm going to be. Someday. :) blessings, marlene
Great idea!
What a great idea! I learned early in my quilting life to have ONE place for those instructions so I could refer back to them. But I never thought to laminate them so they'd stay nice! That would also help ensure they don't accidentally get thrown out as *trash* when cleaning up after a project.
Now all you need is a 3 ring binder and some vinyl pockets of some kind to put the tools with the instructions. Or just the instructions in one place.
I did that with the instructions of a quilt I made last fall. I don't know why I didn't think of that for tool instructions, etc. I see some more laminating in my future!
*LOL* I spent part of last night putting mine in plastic sleeves. Yours will be more durable--great idea!
Love the Albert Einstein quotation. I seem to recall hearing somewhere that he didn't even memorize phone numbers.
Mine are not laminated (what a GREAT idea), but they are kept in a binder in clear insertable pages.
p.s. When DH was an engineering undergrad, one of his professors shared that quotation as his (professor's) essential philosophy for life. He wanted his students to learn concepts and how to apply them rather than memorizing books of charts and tables that could be referenced as needed.
brilliant idea!
Great idea! I will definitely be " borrowing" this one.
I haven't laminated mine but I do put them in the pocket protectors. Now if I can just find the 3-ring binder that I put them in ......
Great idea - I haven't splurged for a laminator, yet, but there are so many good ideas popping up that I may need to get one soon.
awesome idea!!
I've made pdf files of my instruction sheets. Your's is a nicer method.
Love the Einstein quote! Jim and I have notebooks with page protectors for all of the books that come with his tools, lawnmower, etc. as well as electronics, appliances and gadgets. When we replace or get rid of one, the old book comes out and the new one goes in the sleeve. I try to remember to write the purchase date on the book as well as staple the purchase receipt inside it as well. This helps in case there is a warranty issue down the road.
I have mine laminated (inexpensive at Staples) and filed with the tool in a hanging file box. Easier and larger than protective sleeves.
WOW! I keep all of the directions et cetra with the templates in zip-lock bags. I like this more ...
Very clever... I'm thinking that would be a great thing for me to do; and then hole punch and put into my quilting notebook! Or a a ring and hang from my idea board.
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