08 September, 2012

Cleaning Up My Act

I decided earlier this year to get my home (and my life, by extension) decluttered and better organized. Clutching my guide book I dove in, head first. I, truly, have not looked back. Has it been easy? No. Has it been worth it? Absolutely! Am I done? No! This "project" of mine is ongoing; and, I daresay, it may continue forever. That's okay with me, and it's all a good thing. So far the studio and the closet therein have been the biggest tasks, but they've all been manageable because I never deluded myself into thinking that they had to be tackled, and finished, all at once. What I did back in January, and what I continue to do, is break down areas into smaller segments. Last month I cleaned out the catch-all (vacuum cleaner/bird seed/craft supply/outdoor toys) closet and threw away bags and bags of junk. The stark difference between then and now (left) is liberating and energy-giving. It's true... the more you do the more you want to and can do! My only advice, to avoid burn out (and subsequent non-action) is to pace yourself. This morning I cleaned out the office supply drawer in my studio desk. First, I removed everything, placing it in full view. Not only is it good to clean tidy things up, but it's also good to take inventory; I didn't even know there were four brand new Sharpies buried in this drawer!

Then, I separated the items into like groups and weeded out the things that didn't belong.
"Which of these things is not like the other" echoed through my brain...

Then, I neatly loaded the drawer and placed it back into the desk. I didn't throw away very much at all, there was very little junk living in the drawer it was simply messy and disorganized. Total time: 20 minutes! Do you want to clean up your act too? What's holding you back? One room, or closet, or drawer at a time; you can do it; believe me! In the next few weeks I hope to clean out the pantry, that's a BIG job...

...hold me accountable, I can take it.
Life is Good!


Carol said...

I've been doing the same thing this year and you are so right...it's wonderful. I love the feeling of minimal stuff...it's nice to see space on the shelves and in drawers...it's an ongoing process.

Three Birds Inspired said...

I can tackle most any chore if I break it down into manageable bits. As I have gotten older, I have also discovered that I tend to be easily distracted and if I don't set a timer I find myself jumping from one thing to another. I think my personal ADD does not just apply to quilting projects! :)

45th Parallel Quilter said...

We've just moved into our "retirement" home and I am using this opportunity, as I open and unpack the boxes, to sort through my life. Agree with Suzan that it's easy to jump from project to project or room to room. I need to FOCUS or I don't get anything done and just move stuff around. Frustrating at times!

Janet O. said...

Breaking down these big, overwhelming tasks does make them doable. I need to focus more attention on these kinds of chores, and less time making mini quilts. : )

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers said...

I also love having a "place for everything and everything in its place" but have run into problems with desk drawers, such as you showed in this blog entry.

All the separate items look wonderful when initially put there but unless I *also* have internal drawer dividers/cubbies, I find that in a *very* short time, all those individual items have become all jumbled again.

Do you find that to be true also?

Little Penpen said...

Okay, I went and bought the book...that's a start, right? good job!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I have been doing this now for 2 years, and I am still not done. But I do understand the saying "less is more" and it feels great!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I'm doing that very thing on my desk today - getting more organized, sorting, tossing. Wonderful! blessings, marlene

Paula, the quilter said...

I'm tackling the 'junk' drawer in the kitchen next. This one drawer has taken over two other drawers. It's time.

Gloria said...

I retired recently and HR personel asked me what I was planning and one of my goals is to clean cupboards, closets and drawers. She said people don't do that even tho that's what they say....she meets retirees 6 mo later, etc. and they still haven't completed any of those type tasks. I'm working on it! Determined to get rid of unnecessary stuff...except my sewing room will be last. Do I need everything in there??


MARCIE said...

Since you are throwing down the gauntlet I think I will take you up on it. My house will thank you!

Quiltdivajulie said...

One shelf at a time . . . it is happening here, too. This year has been focused on family items that need to be re-distributed while we know what is happening to them. Next year will be focused on photographs. A little along - I'm with you all the way!

Pat said...

Question: "How do you eat an elephant??"
Answer: "One bite at a time!"

I need to follow your example and start gittin' 'er done. Great post!

LizA. said...

I so need I follow your example......

cityquilter grace said...

oh i have one of those crayon tins too....love new crayons!

Tanya said...

Ah, I used to be a FlyLady follower... (She's also a declutter mentor) but somewhere I lost my motivation... under all my clutter. I've downloaded a sample of the book you recommended... I don't need more books in my bookcase. We'll see if I can get motivated again.