Blueberry Tea ~ 60" X 76" |
...is new again! There's a revival going on at Chez Goodneedle; a renewed interest in long-ago abandoned projects, and it's all good. While documenting all of my UFO's that were boxed, in various stages of completion, I decided that it was hypocritical to prioritize those while ignoring those that were hiding in plain sight! Namely this
almost-already-vintage quilt that needs nothing more than hand quilting attention and another neatly-folded-on-the-shelf, partially hand-quilted beauty, in need of the same thing. I'm not focusing on how long they've been in this stage of
undone-ness; not at all, only on seeing them become the finished quilts they were meant to be!
Every evening, while watching television, I have been quilting one of the basket blocks. It feels good to get back into the rhythm of handwork. I've always believed that in order to know where we're going (quilt-wise) it's important to understand not only where we are but how we got there, based on foundation and history. This is how I got to where I am now: hand quilting; one, single, stitch at a time! I brew up a cup of Blueberry Tea (this old quilt gained a new name!) and settle in for my new, again, favorite pastime! |
I hand quilt with a miniscule size 12 'Between' needle. A renewed enthusiasm for hand quilting is no match for the eyes of my youth though, I'm lucky Mr. Goodneedle saw to it that a new needle threader was under the Christmas tree this year. This threader is worth its weight in gold! I assure you that I receive no compensation from Clover, but I do believe that this needle threader is a must-have. It threads those size 12 needle eyes with 40 wt. cotton thread in a split second, I am amazed every time! These aging eyes had their annual check up today. I ordered new glasses; but just lenses this time. I'm having them put into my old (time before last) frames; I just loved the way those fit: it's a theme... eveything old truly is new again!
Life is Good!
glad the needlethreader works on size 12. good to know!
I have always had a tough time to get my Clover threader to work right. I'm sure it has something to do with the operator but I instead just do it the old fashioned way sometimes taking numerous stabs at the hole before hitting paydirt! HA
What a prettty quilt.
Blueberry Tea looks absolutely delightful! Good for you, giving it the time and attention to bring closure to this beauty!
A needle threader is looking better and better to these old eyes!! : )
Love the quilt! It looks like a very happy one. I have the Clover needle threader and love it, also. I am finishing up some UFOs and it feels great! Happy Quilting!
BEAUTIFUL! So wonderful that you are finishing this one up and in such an amazing way! It is truly a treasure!
what a great combo of blocks and colors.
That looks like it could be a great quilt to make with leaders & enders. Now I just have to start. :-) Love the jewel tones of the triangles that top the basket. Very nice contrast to the muted blues. My hat's off to you, quilting with a N°12. That's way too short for my fingers! I'm happiest with a 9 but have trouble threading it these days too. Will look into that threader. Thanks for the tip!
The longer the day, the smaller the hole gets until it finally dissapears.
The longer the day, the smaller the hole gets until it finally dissapears.
Love hand quilting! Looks great!
What a glorious quilt! Love the name, too.
i love your quilt and the title....and i agree, hand quilting is sooo relaxing and therapeutic. and thanks for the tip on the needle threader....and i too had my eyes tested this week but escaped new lenses....for now anyway! congrats on your determination
I have one of those lovely little Clover needle threaders....I wonder where it is? I'm not sure I've seen it since the moves.....love the basket quilt -- such a cheery quilt. I should dig out my Hawaiian that's half quilted....it would probably be the perfect thing to work on while our temps are hitting single digits.
I like how you are quilting the baskets. I have a quilt that I need to finish hand-quilting it.
Hi Mrs. GN
First--love the beautiful basket quilt, how could you leave that a UFO so long! Never mind explaining, I have my share of them too :)
You beat me to it with the needlethreader post. I have one planned--I think I've spent a $100 on needle threaders over the course of my life, lol.
It's looking great! I quilt with a 10, but that threader might have to go on my birthday list - soon!
Such a pretty quilt!
Nothing quit like hand quilting, is there???
Very nice!!!
Blueberry Tea is a wonderful project!! And I love that you are hand quilting it!! It will be a treasure for sure!
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