12 November, 2014

Nearing The End Of The Road

"It's The Journey"  ~ 48" X 60"

All good journeys must, eventually, come to an end. I put the final quilting stitches in this quilt today... it's been a long road to the finish line.  It all began here, just over a year ago; with what was known as the Head For The Border challenge at my LQS.  There were some false starts, more than a few stumbling blocks, and many, many decisions along the way. The quilting was just as challenging for me; a wide variety of components tested my abilities every step of the way!  This evening I've been trimming the edges and preparing the binding. Just like with every great trip I'm rewarded, at this final juncture, with a wealth of happy memories; from the initial planning to all the stops and sidetrips taken in transit. My plan is to hang this wallhanging between the two front windows in the studio, directly over Snowbird; it will serve to remind me that life never is about the destination... it's always about the journey. All in all, it's been a great adventure, thanks for riding along with me!

Life is Good!


MJMR said...

It"s beautiful Ms Goodneedle

Sherrill said...

Soo pretty!!

Paula, the quilter said...

What a beaut! I love putting words on quilts.

Janet O. said...

This must feel awfully good! It is such a delightful quilt!

LizA. said...

I don't know what I like better, the quilt or the quilting. Wow! I hope that someday I will be able to do quilting half as nice as that....I have a new system on order -- let the journey begin.....

jude's page said...

What a fantastic job, both the quilt and the quilting. You must be very pleased with your journey. Enjoying my head to the border quilt, but worried about running out of fabrics, and they just don't make pinks and greens like it anymore!

Ramona said...

Gorgeous... absolutely gorgeous!

quiltkeemosabe said...

Its a wonderful quilt from a wonderful experience. Hope it makes a show and tell before it hits the wall! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Carpe Quiltem! You did a terrific job. :-)

Unknown said...

Great quilting!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful quilt and quilting--very colorful

cityquilter grace said...

beautiful quilt and beautiful finish.....enjoy the result!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a marvelous record for this part of YOUR journey and what a perfect spot to hang/display the quilt! Well done, on EVERY level!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I LOVE the way you quilted this!!!! PERFECT!!!