05 May, 2016

Long Time, L-O-N-G Quilt

I posted about this quilt a while ago. Already nineteen years old, this top was brought to the flimsy stage and loaded onto Snowbird yesterday. I chose to complete this one as a long twin, it measures 115" X 79.5". Loaded lengthwise onto the rails it is the longest quilt I have quilted-- ever!  I was getting the quilt ready when a glance out the window provided an unexpected, surprise treat.

Look who's back!
I have chosen to use a pantograph on this one: "Jessie's Swirls" with Hawaiian Blue thread. I like it. 
All of the precut colorful triangles are used up now, but look what remains yet: a boxful of background triangles! What to do? Will this project ever be done or simply continue to bear offspring?
Yesterday I sat down and chain pieced a bunch of them into pairs. It was a good chance to give my newest notion a workout. I bought Gypsy Quilter's "Cutting Gizmo" a couple of months ago with the thought that I could talk Mr. Goodneedle into counter-sinking the base into a larger block of wood for stability. He looked it over and was impressed by the weight of the base and the design that allows easy replacement of the upper blade with a standard single edge razor blade. He suggested I use it first and decide if it needed further stabilization. I did and it doesn't. It's proven itself to be a handy assistant; it makes super-quick work of separating miles of chain piecing with no effort whatsoever!
And so... what will become of all those chain pieced triangles? More pinwheels of course. This time they will combine into a low volume, sash-less version and ultimately become a table topper for our kitchen. I can almost guarantee that this will be completed in less than nineteen years; hold me accountable!
Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

You enabler, you -- I've just ordered my own PURPLE "Cutting Gizmo" (thanks for sharing it!).

Shelina said...

Ooh, a 19 year old quilt ready to make its way out to the world. It is lovely. I've seen thread cutters like this on the internet and think they would be handy, but luckily for me, not when I am in a buying mood. It does look like it would save a lot of time though.

Janet O. said...

What a lovely LONG quilt! In my opinion you can't beat the good, old, traditional blocks.
And a great shot of the bird!
Nice use of your leftover parts. That will be a pretty runner.
I cut apart chain pieced items by laying the chain across my cutting table and making quick little slices between pieces with my rotary cutter. I'm pretty sure I don't have room for another gizmo in my ever shrinking sewing room, but it looks like a good one. : )

Vic in NH said...

Love love love your leftovers! The pictures of the twin look great, too! Yummy fabrics but I had trouble deciding if the blue sashing is an ice blue or more of a teal. No clue as to what bird that is, are you in California there?

NanaNor's said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love that you are going to use the leftover.
Enjoy the process and the finished product.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Gorgeous, simply gorgeous ... the 19 y.o. and the pinwheels.

LizA. said...

I had to get on elf those purple gizmos after using one somebody had brought to a sew-in day. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Good for you, finishing up such an old ufo.....I hope I can get back to some sewing soon......