... or maybe not! I bought a new pair of walking shoes. They are
exactly like the pair I had before them, and the pair before that, and the pair... well, you get the idea. Change does not come easily to me. I order the same shoes when mine get broken down and worn out not only because they fit my foot perfectly but also because I
can. I fear that one day they won't make this particular model of my beloved shoe anymore and I will be forced to make a change. Until that day I gleefully hit the "reset" button and order, for me, what is tried and true. Perhaps I act within my own safe zone, finding comfort in the familiar. Do you do the same thing? I also believe that this act of reordering is a time saver: I know that they fit, I know that they are comfortable and support my foot, there's no risk; there's no time wasted and no surprises. Am I missing out? Is there a better shoe out there, one that might be more exciting or one that would save me money? How will I ever know? Am I alone? Please weigh in, I am eager for input into these questions I have posed. Is this repeat behavior of mine unique?
Life is Good!
Stay tuned for my next post: "Lots of Things are Simmering"
glad to know i'm not the only one....have worn the same style for many years for the same reasons...they fit good, they last a long time, etc....i love new balance...started wearing them in 1986 and they have been my go to ever since...esp when i lived in boston and visited the factory and the original factory store!
I believe in the adage "if it isn't broke, then don't fix it".
I have a lot of foot issues and have just started physical therapy for my feet AGAIN! I love New Balance shoes. I have worn them for years, but I haven't been smart enough to note the make and model and just order them again. Thanks for the bright idea!!
I'm actually just about the opposite..always wanting to try the newest, prettiest, coolest, etc (unless of course it's exorbitantly expensive) and sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. But if I didn't, then I'd probably think 'what if?'.
I find I usually waste money (and time) shopping around. Make up especially. Why try out that miracle moisturizer when it is horrendously expensive and then often turns my nose bright red? And then I'm left with an expensive bottle of something that I hate to throw out but can't use... I'm with you on shoes too. I've bought the exact same shoes before when I've stumbled upon it... have just pushed the reorder button yet.
Why not stick with what works? It is simple and satisfying.
It seemed easier to buy shoes when I was younger, particularly since my job was primarily sitting and it didn't really matter what I wore as far as walking goes; I could even wear heels (though at 5'9" without shoes I really didn't need them!). Now I stand almost all day and need more support and cushioning. And there are some very ugly loud trainers out there, ugh. I have never tried New Balance shoes. Perhaps I should!
I bought a pair of New Balance shoes years ago when I had plantar faciatis. I'd never worn tennis shoes before and I couldn't wear them to work, but I found them to be comfortable and after retiring I found myself wearing them a lot. Oh! How I wish I had bought a couple of new pairs. New Balance doesn't make that particular shoe anymore and I had to choose another. I don't much like the new pair. (sad face here) All that to say, I think you are wise to not mess around with what you know you like and works for you. I'm very happy for you that you have the shoe you like.
When I have a shoe I love I can be sure that it will not be available the next time I look at shoes!!
Big surprise - I do like you do. Order the same style again and again - because they are one of the ONLY ones that really suit my foot and when the feet are unhappy so is the rest of me. You are NOT alone!
You are most certainly not alone! I am a creature of habit and being able to find an exact replacement for the thing that just wore out is my idea of happiness. My greatest angst comes when the producer decides to discontinue something I've used for years. I still whine about the face wash I used for years that as discontinued 10 years ago. It was the perfect one - perfect scent, perfect foaminess, perfect soapiness....ah well. My husband likes to tell me that these changes forces me to step outside my comfort zone and experience new things. Ok, I get that, but it's not what I prefer. And I'm afraid I'm getting worse the older I get. But, as long as I have choices, I prefer to choose the one that I know and love over the one I don't know and may not love. You are not alone.
You are not alone. As a matter of fact, I don't like the saying "change is good" as I don't think change in and of itself is good - change can be not good! Please let us know the particulars on your New Balance shoes - maybe some of the rest of us would like to try the same ones and see if they are the shoes for us as well!
When it comes to jeans and shoes, I will buy the same comfortable ones again and again until the manufacturer decides to change it out. I'm all about comfort! New Balance just happens to be my brand of choice on sneakers but I need to look for a new favorite pair of jeans as the manufacturer just changed my favorites and the new version is not nearly as comfortable as the previous version.
I try and get two pairs at a time, keep one aside until the other is worn out and then re-order. If perchance the style was discontinued in the meantime, I will still have one pair of favourites for another few years, and lots of time to find another 'favourite'.
I love Merrell shoes, and try to buy several when I can find them...size 3 kids!! So I love what your are doing with your shoes!
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