10 October, 2019

Welcome Fall; We've Been Waiting!

At long last some cooler temperatures have arrived and it's feeling fall-like; the wait has been well worth it-- brisk mornings and pleasant afternoons under sapphire-blue skies. Quiltkeemosabe and I got together this week to work and compare notes on our progress with making, and writing up directions for, every one of the 202 six inch blocks from Rosemary Youngs' Quilt Block Bible. We have one more session scheduled and we'll be done! Hip, hip, hooray! I have three BIG binders full of blocks and notes.
This arrangement, above, contains 121 blocks; I will have a second, smaller, quilt with 81 blocks. After our final session we will set our quilts together and have a grand finale reveal party-- likely with lunch! 😉 We began this joint project five years ago. It will be a HUGE sense of accomplishment to finish this one up. After that we'll probably find another one; it's been a wonderful experience.
We celebrated my birthday and she gifted me this beautiful sampler kit as well as a pair of the teeny, tiny scissors (the package claims that they're the world's smallest functional scissors), they're 2.5"!
Speaking of that recent birthday. Both our daughter and our son gave me subscriptions to Sipsby; a tea gift box that arrives monthly. Neither one knew that the other was giving the gift, that's perfectly fine, my subscription is now twice as long! I filled out a form indicating my taste preferences and Sipsby takes it from there, putting together my own unique collection! The first box arrived yesterday. Such fun to discover what's included and try new (to me) and different teas. 
When the weather changes that's usually an indication that it's Fair time! This year was no exception. We spent yesterday afternoon walking around our local fairgrounds enjoying the exhibits and the grandchildren. Lynnleigh was surprised and thrilled to find that her "Hot Air Balloons" artwork from school was awarded a blue ribbon! 
 As always, a stroll through the quilt exhibition area is in order. I loved this colorful Kaleidoscope. 
But, this one truly drew me in; I love the graphic appeal of the spokes. I want to make one of these.
No trip to the fair would be complete without a walk to the midway. Lynnleigh broke a balloon and won a stuffed turquoise sloth. 

Gregory and Nana took a turn racing down the giant slide; 
you can see who won! A great time was had by all! 

Life is Good!


jude's page said...

Looks like a great time was had by all!

cityquilter grace said...

lots of fun all around it seems....love the sampler...and that spokes quilt looks like one you might make!

Janet O. said...

That truly is a major accomplishment to work your way through the "Bible" together. :) A pretty amazing display of blocks. I didn't realize it had been 5 years since you started this project. Time flies, for those of us not actually sewing the blocks.
Happy belated birthday. I haven't heard of Sipsby, but that sounds like a really fun gift. Your daughter and son obviously know what Mama likes! My daughters and I share a love of herbal teas and are always sharing new finds with each other.
Lynnleigh has much to be proud of, with her ribbon and her sloth.
A fun trip down the slide, with Gregory showing his superior skill--that is the kind of "ride" I can handle. Used to love fair rides, but I find I am prone to motion sickness as I get older--never used to bothered me.

Little Penpen said...

I giggled with you while you were coming down the slide. you are a wonderful grandma. Happy Birthday and those scissors are too cute!

Tanya said...

I’ve never heard of Sipsby but it sounds like a great gift of love that keeps right on coming!

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