If she gets a knot in her thread she quietly and patiently gets it out and continues on. I am very proud of her focus and her determination.
Her 4-patch is perfect. But, this project doesn't end there-- she chose a backing fabric next and sewed all around the edges, leaving a small opening for turning. Again, she was precise and patient with the process; she is making herself a pincushion!
The next day her pincushion was complete, she is a proud little lady! She's learned how to do a running stitch, a whip stitch and has sewn on a button; plus, she had fun along the way! Win-win!
Her first project is functional; it will go into her sewing tin and be used for more projects going forward. Hopefully she will always remember the fun that she had, that we had together! She's on her way now; I feel good about the future of sewing and quilting with eager little learners like this one. She wants to make a quilt for her doll next, she told me that she really likes choosing fabric! 💗
Remember those all-too-early blooming daffodils?
This is what was happening while she was sewing-- I guess that winter's not done with us yet!
Life is Good!
Up next: Hitting the Road
How delightful! I know you enjoyed helping your granddaughter learn to do the running stitch and the whip stitch. She has done a beautiful job with her first four patch! Turning it into a pincushion was the perfect choice as she will get to admire her handiwork as she continues to learn to sew.
Way to go Lynnleigh! Good job Grandma — better watch, pretty soon she’s going to want to use that longarm!
Love that you started her with the basics so she'll understand how all the pieces/steps fit together. What a fun photo that last one is! Time together is priceless.
How wonderful to have a new quilter in the making! You must have so much fun! Lynnleigh did a wonderful job will those matching seams! I’m looking forward to seeing her next project!
oh mrs g...what a lovely pupil you have there! giving others the gift of sewing and quilting is passing on a heritage and a future!
My favorite photo of this cutie is the one where she is sitting with her legs primly crossed and is displaying her finished 4-patch.
Sounds like she is going to make an excellent quilter with her patience, focus and exactness.
Oh, those precious little fingers, needle in hand.
What a neat experience for both ladies.
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