21 July, 2020

Like Father, Like Son

Two boys, a generation apart, learning machine skills from the same teacher; the tradition continues.
Life is Good!


cityquilter grace said...


Janet O. said...

How cool is that!?!

Lindah said...

I love it! Neat pics.

Elita@Busy Needle Quilting said...

What absolutely adorable pictures! They do look so much alike and they have the best teacher! <3

Debbie B said...

I love this! Good for you for carrying on the tradition.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

The older photo is definitely a Norman Rockwell cover for Saturday Evening Post.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Priceless - absolutely and entirely priceless.

Tanya said...

What a wonderful pair of photos! I thought of Norman Rockwell too!

AnnieO said...

Such cute pics. Glad they wanted to play with the machine! I plan to teach my grandsons to run a sewing machine too.

James Bailey said...

Great pic. Embroidery Digitising Services Good.