I spent some quiet time with Ruth (Singer 301 inherited from my dear MIL) this past week, stitching and enjoying my perennial garden through the window, it's much cooler inside. 😉 Do you ever have times when you can't seem to get out of your own way? I do. The last few days have been especially bad, maybe my bio-rhythms are off or something; I don't know. I got up to visit the bathroom the other night, I don't turn any lights on and quietly zip right back into bed. Not this time! I stubbed my baby toe squarely on the chair leg as I rounded the corner coming out of the bathroom. Oh! My!! Goodness!!!🤩🤩🤩 I did manage to control myself and not cry out in pain, Mr. Goodneedle kept right on sleeping. I haven't been able to wear any shoe other than a flip flop this week, it's a good thing it's summer. When our daughter was a little girl she used to say "stuffed her toe" when that happened, it's a pretty good descriptor- I stuffed mine alright- and really good! So, yesterday, I was putting away rulers in the long drawer under my cutting table and, apparently, I'm quicker at pushing the drawer shut than I am at removing my finger! Once more: 🤩🤩!!
I've added stars to this small wallhanging, it's the July "Calendar Quilt" for the side porch. Now you're seeing stars too! Do you have those moments when you shake your own head at being such a klutz? I sure do; so, for today, I'm nursing a badly bruised and bandaged finger and staying away from anything with a sharp edge! One can't be too careful. 😉
Life is Good!
oooh gorgeous RWB wall quilt...watch those appendages tho...lol
Oh, my, sorry your appendages seem determined to bang into things! I’m a natural klutz when distracted and can relate! Hope you heal up fast. “Stuffed” toes take forever to feel better, it seems!
Caught my baby toe on the �� jam once when I shuffled out of the bathroom with my pants around my ankles in search of a towel in the hall closet. My toe was at a 45 degree angle to my �� ! I feel your pain, Deb���� stay safe!!!!
I am sorry you "saw stars" stubbing your poor toe! But I like your starry quilt!! Hugs!
Oh, yes--been there, done that. However, I didn't restrain myself, and cried out in pain while hobbling around the room. Hope things start going more smoothly for you.
Your patriotic wall hanging is really fun. :)
Yes, that seems to be happening more in our house too. Is it spacial coordination that is going downhill with age? I used to be able to maneuver around things and without even looking but now I'm watching where my feet and fingers go! (And shoulders and knees...)
Great. Best Embroidery Digitizing Service Good work.
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