26 December, 2020

Smarter Than Me!

And, just like that, Christmas is a memory; a most happy one for us thanks to these four.
Santa brought a new television for my sewing room. That purchase necessitated the removal of this big, hulking, heavy television out of it's custom-made cubby where it's been living, happily, for many years; it was blissfully unaware that technology advancements were rocketing by, (as was its owner) leaving it unable to keep up.
Once removed, it will be donated. Someone will be happy to have a television that isn't "smart" by today's standards.
The newer, smarter, version has been installed and can be angled for easier visibility from wherever I happen to be working in the room. I was able to hook up through the Internet quickly and easily; I can now stream shows and channels directly and new programming will be communicated upon its arrival. This is what a "smart" TV can do, little did I know what I was missing, or how much I now need to learn all over again. Santa knows all, apparently he knew that I needed an entertainment upgrade in my workspace. This will be an exciting process as I learn my way forward, hopefully without too many stumbles! The good news is, that if I have problems or questions I have those four grandchildren pictured above who can help me out!

Wish me luck~
I hope I can keep up with a SMART TV, 
one that's much smarter than me! 

Life is Good! 


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I'm happy you got to be with your family! We zoomed with 2/3 of ours and are waiting for favorable weather to have an outdoor visit with Sherry and her tribe.

Sherrill said...

I can remember when my parents got their first VCR. Whenever I'd go over, they'd forgotten what do to after I'd been there the last time. It was a huge learning curve for them and now I'm in that same place. Love the new stuff technology can do but wish I could remember some of the stuff I forget!! LOL

cityquilter grace said...

welcome to 21st century viewing...streaming....listening....lol

julieQ said...

You will not believe this...but I received the exact same TV, for the exact same spot!! I now have my box TV to donate, as well.

Paula, the quilter said...

We had a outdoor visit with our son, DIL and Grands. My tv is not as art one but I have Chromecast plugged in to it and I’ve been creating a Plex server.

sndy1 said...

OMG I have that same exact old TV in my sewing room! Hope to upgrade someday soon as well. The learning curve will do me in I'm sure.