11 January, 2021

Getting A Handle On Things

I stitched this carrier up yesterday afternoon after church. I didn't have any measurements to go by, but I did have some leftover canvas duck from making tote bags and some cotton clothesline to stabilize the edges. Mr. G approximated the dimensions and I set to work. 
He needed a sling to carry the firewood up to the woodstove from the pile outdoors. I doubled over the handles, added more of the cotton clothesline to give them a substantial hold and filled in between the sides of each with two layers of soft and stable to cushion the grips. It worked great!
Oh, and one more thing: the floor stays neater and cleaner 
with each trip from the woodpile to the hearth, too. 😉
I'm getting a handle on a new project that's wandered onto my cutting table. I have this much done. Guesses?

Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Frosty? Great carrier!

Frog Quilter said...

I may have to make one of those for me lol.

Janet O. said...

Very clever! I'll bet Mr.G. is thrilled to have it.
Looks like there may be a snowman of some sort growing beneath that hat.

Paula, the quilter said...

Well done!

cityquilter grace said...

guessing snowman! i love that snowflake background...i had some of that in 2000....used it in a summer wallhanging...lol

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Like the others, I'm guessing you're making a snowman. But be careful: A typo can turn him into a snotman.

AnnieO said...

Clever you! That was an excellent use of canvas and clothesline. Mr Snowman looks to be appearing under your needle. Or it may be a bunny in a hat :)

Tanya said...

I wish I had a need for a firewood carrier! No fireplace. No wood burning stove... I so wish in these winter months.