We cleaned out the attic yesterday and found this gem of a board game! It appears to be brand new; the instruction sheet is dated 1987. I'm guessing that our children received this game as a gift from their grandmother; my MIL was wild about ALF! This is a true blast from the past. I couldn't discard it!
Our dinner selections have been upped a notch a few evenings a month. Our son and daughter in law gave us a free meal box coupon to "Every Plate" a while back. I've continued to subscribe, we average three meals a week every other week and it's really not a bad deal at all. Everything comes in the box, meat, fresh veggies, seasonings and a step-by-step recipe card. The meals are portioned perfectly so there's no leftovers or waste of any unique ingredients. This meal, above, is Herby Parmesan Crusted Chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and roasted zucchini. Every single selection that we've tried has been wonderful and we've sampled quite a few of their offerings. For us, it has gotten us out of the rut of the "same old thing" for dinners and challenged me with a few new and exciting ideas for food prep. I'm receiving no compensation from Every Plate, this is just a tried-and-true testimonial. If you're looking for something new and different you might want to give it a try.
Remember that applique inspiration that hit me when I visited the National Quilt Museum recently? Well this old UFO is out of the box, blocks are completed and it's ready for quilting. I'm loving its folk-arty-ness and its simplicity.
definitely the upside of the pandemic is to unearth languishing UFOs...nice finish!
Well, I learned something reading your blog today! That tree looks beautiful but ice storms can be so dangerous. We are buried in SNOW and getting more as I type this.
Interesting about the lack of the letter J.
Never have seen the Alf game before. What fun!
That meal looks and sounds yummy!
Your applique quilt turned out beautifully!
Ice storms are beautiful, but so dangerous. Glad your power stayed on!
Very interesting about the letter J missing from samplers. I noticed that in pics before but never knew the backstory! Your meals sound deliciously good. Getting out of a dinner rut is hard when you’re cooking for two. Love love the ufo revived and made whole!
That is so interesting about the letter J - I used to live in DC and never noticed there was not J Street. This was back in the day of no GPS and I had to follow maps and street names. Love your little applique wall handing and congrats on getting it done.
The alphabet is also missing the letter U, I think for the same erase it was so close the the letter V.
Such fun to find a project in the that inspires you to finish it so many of mine are ugh
Stay off the ice hope it doesn’t last long or take out the power, it’s warming up here I even went for a walk outside yesterday
Your applique project is beautiful! What fun!
And that picture of the ice covered tree is amazing. Such beauty is so much cold!
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