You'll enjoy this tale of my abject frustration over this latest incident. On Saturday afternoon I walked around the longarm and saw this horrible, offensive spot on the area rug in the sewing room (circled in white). Immediately thinking that Hannes had either an "accident" or had been sick to his stomach, I ran to the cupboard for rags and the Resolve carpet cleaner. I scrubbed and scrubbed to no avail. The stain was dry, odorless and just as bright (and offensive looking) on the pad underneath when I pulled the rug back. I was stymied. I searched in the cabinet under the kitchen sink for something stronger, all I could manage to find was an old, half-full, can of Woolite foaming carpet cleaner. I re-attacked the stain with the same vigor and had absolutely
no luck at all. Losing at the stain-removal game is not something that I take lightly; completely at a loss, I stood up and walked around the rug. When I passed between the end of the rug and the sun streaming in through the window, the stain disappeared! Looking up, I spied the fluorescent green straight-edge quilting tool behind me shooting a reflection onto the rug from the sun's rays (circled in red). Sigh. I'd been defeated by an illusion!
Two days later the rug is still damp from all of my aggressive cleaning! I've apologized to poor Hannes who was quietly napping in his little bed in the family room by the fireplace while all of this was occurring; he's always a very good boy.
You can believe that I was quoting Shakespeare as I scrubbed away on Saturday,
Lady McBeth's line ran over and over through my mind: "Out ------ spot; out, I say!"
Things aren't always what they seem; and, this time, that was a good thing!
Life is Good!

I have a stained glass window that throws colored areas onto my carpet. I've gotten used to it over the years, but the Grands love to follow the colors down the stairs to the sewing room.
Oh my! Thanks for the laugh, sorry your extended cleaning efforts are still lingering.
That is just too funny! Thank you for the chuckle~
Funny how we are so quick to always blame the dog.....
We have a shadow on the end of our bed that is constantly being mistaken for a stain -- I can't tell you how many times we forgot it was a shadow and tried to clean it away (although at this point we know better so we just laugh and ignore it).
So funny
Thanks for the hearty chuckle. I also have a dog, and a cat, that occasionally leave unpleasant surprises. I’m glad yours was all an illusion. We wish they all were!
LOL--That is pretty funny, Mrs. G!
That is pretty hilarious!!! If all my stains would be illusions I'd be really happy!
Loved your story, pity all the stains don't come "out" so easily.
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