30 March, 2021

Quilting Off and On

I've been standing at the long arm quite a bit the last few days. I've completed the quilting on this four-block wallhanging and it's OFF the rails. Yesterday I loaded ON the first of the two T-shirt quilts.
I chose a large, open meander pattern for the allover quilting design on these. It went quickly and I was very pleased with the results. It came OFF the rails this morning, it's all trimmed up and the binding's been prepared.
Quiltkeemosabe will do the finishing on this one; I'll pass it OFF and move ON to the next one. 
I can only imagine how  much these keepsakes will be treasured in the years to come.
Life is Good!


cityquilter grace said...

just lovely....the backing is perfect!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Marvelous - such a heartwarming project.

Sherrill said...

Love the sweet little applique quilt. And I know those t-shirt quilts will be so loved.

Paula, the quilter said...

Way to go, Mrs. G!

Janet O. said...

Your wall hanging is gorgeous!
You've made a wonderful treasure from the t-shirts.

Needled Mom said...

Both are nice finishes. The wallhanging is lovely and, yes, the T-shirt quilts are always treasured.

Tanya said...

You've done a beautiful job. Those sure don't look like first time t-shirt quilts to me. You must be so pleased!