27 April, 2021

New Hobby

This is one of my latest hobbies! I have no idea how I was ever subscribed to so many emails! None whatsoever. I know that occasionally I may subscribe to score a discount at a particular website, but it's impossible for me to believe that the sheer volume of what is showing up in my inbox is by my own invitation.  I suspect that email addresses are harvested from simply browsing sites. Maybe; I really don't know, but there's no other explanation that I can think of. Anyway, 6, 8 or 10 times a day lately I have  been searching for the sometimes very teeny, tiny and well hidden "unsubscribe" at the bottom of each email and taking the necessary steps to remove my address, I have even done this in other languages! You might not think of this as a "hobby",  as such, however the word is defined as: "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure". This fits the bill. I am deriving as much pleasure from the word search itself as well as a free-from-junk-mail inbox each morning!

Life is Good!


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

This is hilarious.

Quiltdivajulie said...

SO true - but do be careful about some of those "unsubscribe" buttons as they can lead to getting even more unwanted messages. I've been doing much the same - if I don't know about a sale, I'm less likely to investigate the possibilities.

Quilting Babcia said...

You can also flag unwanted emails as Spam, faster and easier.

R's Rue said...

Ha ha

Tanya said...

Good for you! I occasionally go through those too... Getting stuck in the ones that come into my box in Japanese...