23 April, 2021

Note To Self...

This is me, I was four years old. I look rather tentative in this particular moment, wouldn't you agree? I believe that I might know why... someone perched me up on that stone wall to take my picture. I know where this was taken, at my great aunt and uncle's home in New Hampshire, there is a brook running just below that stone wall. I'm pretty sure that I was worried about getting back down safely, I never was a particularly adventurous child. Mr. G and I watched a reality television show the other evening where the contestants were charged with writing notes to their younger selves, giving advice to the child that they had been based on their current life experiences. I found this challenge interesting. What would I say to a younger me? I would encourage the childhood me to not be afraid but to have faith, I have been wearing a bracelet that says" faith over fear" for the past year now, it's never too late to embrace that understanding. I would tell the little-girl-me to try new things and not be fearful of failing, but, instead, to fear not trying new things at all! I would remind myself that it's perfectly okay to be a beginner-level, at anything! I would instruct the younger me to ask for help when it is needed and not to carry the burden of figuring things out, or shouldering all of the work, by oneself!  
Another face of four-year-old me! A happier, more confident little girl in this snapshot; one who already knows that you can't ever be overdressed for any occasion (and the delight of a dress with pockets!)! 😊 Continuing the letter, I would remind my former self to worry less; to live and love with an open heart, and to trust in the Lord above all else! I would relate to the child in me the importance of looking for the best in people, always keeping promises and living generously. I would encourage the little-girl-me to always be on the lookout for JOY, to share it freely and to watch it multiply! In closing I would say: "be helpfulread all that you can, stand up for what you believe in and always, always, tell those closest to you that you love them!"
What would your letter to your former self say? 
Life is Good!


Shelina said...

I also wasn't very adventurous as a child. What you wrote to tell yourself as a child fits my thoughts exactly.

Robin said...

I like what you said;
" I would remind myself that it's perfectly okay to be a beginner-level, at anything!"

How many times did I not try just because I didn't want to appear like I didn't know what I was doing? Of course I didn't know what I was doing - I'd never done it before.

I think I still do that. Thanks.

Robin said...

Me again. I don't mean "Thanks" like I'm sarcastically saying, "Thanks for reminding me of my failures." I mean "Thanks" like "Thanks for reminding me that can change and feel better.

Teresa said...

I so enjoyed all your nuggets of wisdom I had to write them down. This is inspiring me to begin another quilt full of such nuggets. Thank you!

Tanya said...

I was pretty shy myself. I would tell myself to SMILE more.