30 June, 2021

Golden Hours

Things around here have seemed quiet and much slower-paced since the conclusion of Quilt Camp last week. On Saturday I went down the road with a friend for another Chrismon class, this one was a 3D cross with pearls. It was fun! The cross framework was constructed first with the oblong gold beads; the pearls are popped in at the end, they're free floating inside. Isn't it pretty? Of course, I couldn't leave the store there without stocking up on supplies to make more. My plan is to devote a few afternoons each week to Chrismon-making this summer. 
It's been a while since I've done any machine embroidery. This was stitched with a new (to me) metallic thread. I've always avoided metallics in the past as my experience with them hadn't been the best. Quiltkeemosabe told me about this particular brand 🠟
for embroidery last year; it stitched up beautifully, no shredding or breakage at all, it is absolutely stunning against the black linen background!  This embroidery was created for a black clergy stole.
The inner lining fabric is a rich black background with embellished crosses; actually, Lynnleigh spotted this beautiful piece during a recent shopping trip and I thought it would be perfect for lining this stole. 
Quickly, I texted a photo of it to our pastor for his approval before purchase, 
he thought it looked great too; a plan came together on the spot. 
Yesterday afternoon was dedicated to more Chrismon making, my latest obsession. 
For me, this is blessed time, set apart; hallowed hours spent in quiet reflection and connection.
I already know that one day I'll look back on this point in my life and be so glad;
my heart will remember and these Chrismons will live on as a testament. 

Life is Good!


Ramona said...

I am really enjoying seeing your progress on the Chrismon ornaments. They sure are beautiful. The stole you made is so lovely, too, with the perfect inner fabric.

Tanya said...

Beautiful stole. Back and front!