Inspired by the runners and table toppers that I saw on
Doodlebugs and Rosebuds blog a short while ago, I decided to try my hand at some of these. I found this great patriotic border print and grabbed my 60 degree ruler. In no time at all I had these two runners and a table topper pieced and ready to go. I loaded one piece of backing fabric, sandwiched in some left over batting scraps, and floated these runners on top for quilting; simple straight line ruler work. Fingers crossed, these should be table-ready by Sunday!

This 20" table topper is a bonus; it's stitched up from the triangles left from piecing the runners! I'll use that gingham in the photo above, cut on the bias, for binding all three. I'll definitely make some more of these but I believe that my next attempts will be from strip-pieced "striped" fabric from the stash.
What a GRAND idea!
That looks like such fun!
Wonderful results from your adventure! You will be all set for celebrating!
mine was lovely as well...spent with daughter, SIL, and their church family at a wonderful picnic and parade...
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