Today's Quilt Camp session saw great great progress in the quilt block count! One of Lynnleigh's most frequently asked questions today was: "how many blocks do I have done now and how many more do I need?" She sewed up a storm and loved arranging her warm, freshly-pressed blocks on the design wall.

I'm very proud of her can-do attitude! For the second day, we followed the same format as the day before; keeping the sewing sessions productive but not overtiring. There were plenty of other activities sprinkled in.
The theme of her quilt is "camping". As you can see there are plenty of S'more related fabrics.
Following that theme, "quilter's fuel" was at the ready in a "quilty" snack cup to keep her energized.
Lots of this...
Balanced with lots of this... puzzles, stories and games, not to mention lunch and dinner...
Led to this conclusion for Day #2. Fifteen (of twenty) blocks on the wall and one very happy camper!
Life is Good!

Oh, I am loving this.
She is doing an amazing job. I’m taking notes on how to do quilt camp.
So awesome
She is doing a great job. I had granny day camp with two of my granddaughters last week One activity they loved was to pick a picture out of a coloring book, then I scanned it on to some printer fabric paper and let them color it with fabric markers. We then used it to a make pillows. They got to pick out the backing fabric but I did the sewing (they are only 3 1/2 and 5 years). They they stuffed the pillows. The 5 year old wanted to know when she could make a quilt....I told her when she was 8. But I do like the idea of letting them layout fabric on my design wall. Maybe I could cut some squares and let them "design" a quilt. Your granddaughter is doing a wonderful job with her sewing.
I am absolutely loving this saga.
Oh, how wonderful to see a young budding quilter in the making! The joy on her face with her accomplishments is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Deb E
Like Little Man, her legs are getting SO long! Quilt Camp is such a wonderful chance for both of you to make memories as well as a quilt.
i think i want to sign up for a could use someone else cooking and that lovely view from the sewing machine...
That's a pretty tall ironing board for an 8 year old quilter!
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