24 June, 2021

Quilt Camp, Day #4

She did it! She quilted her quilt, on the longarm, by herself! 
Wouldn't the first thing to do, after it's removed from the rails, 
be to wrap up in your quilt that's backed with royal purple Minkee? 
You betcha!
Each one of these snapshots is worth 1,000 words!
Life is Good!


straythreads said...

Beautiful. Her first of many I’m sure

Quilting Babcia said...

Cuteness abounds! Congratulations Lynnleigh!

Ann Parks said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and seeing the daily adventures of a new quilter! What a treasure for both you and Lynnleigh to have this special time together!

Robin said...

Just adorable

Teresa said...

Congratulations! She did a great job and had a great teacher. That quilt needs a very special label.

Tanya said...

Well done! I sure would like to take your quilt camp seminar and learn how to use a longarm machine!