01 January, 2022

2022's Guiding Word

After an immense amount of soul-searching I have settled upon "respect" as my guiding word for this year. I have a litany of reasons why this word rose above the others as the one that inspired me the most. First, the textbook definition, from Webster's: 
1a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc.

2: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way

3: a particular way of thinking about or looking at something
My own initial draw to this word is the second definition and one that I find sorely lacking in almost every aspect of daily life anymore. When I was a little girl the one lesson that I remember my parents teaching, above all else, was that I was to behave in a respectful manner. Anyone in authority was to be respected; this went for almost anyone older than myself but most certainly for teachers and older family members, as well as whoever happened to be in charge: be it a school bus driver, neighbor, store clerk or a baby sitter. "You will show proper respect!"  "Gotcha, Mom, loud and clear!" It's the way it was; no ifs, ands or buts about it. 

Fast forward sixty years- where has respect gone; has it disappeared completely?

No one can question the fact that we live in a very divided world right now. I won't ever use this platform to become political, it's not who I am, but that's not the point here anyway; what is the point is that through my own personal lens I can see clearly that what is desperately needed here is a healthy injection of respect; that one courtesy can go a long way in lowering the boiling point of clashing thoughts and viewpoints. "I don't necessarily agree with your logic on a particular issue, but I respect your right to have an opinion."  To see a change, one must BE the change. Everyone deserves respect; it's the way that I was raised and the way I raised my own children and, hopefully, the behavior that I model now to our grandchildren. This is a big topic today, and this, particular, guiding word won't be easy to observe each and every day moving forward, I know that! Each morning I ask myself "what does God expect from me?"; but, on the very first day of this New Year that same question broadens into "just who is God calling me to be?" A friend shared this excellent article with me a few days ago on the battle between efficiency and fruitfulness, the main points have stayed with me; precisely that "the road to sanctification is marked by a series of little uphill battles." I'm good with that and I respectfully pray that God will help and guide me up and over the rough spots ahead, one little battle at a time.  

In past years I have elaborated on how my selected guiding word will manifest itself in my quilting life. I hope to do that in the weeks to come, in regard to that I'll look more at the first and third definitions of this year's word. But, for today, I'm going to leave it here. Happy New Year, let's make it a great one!

Life is Good!
Respectfully yours,


Quiltdivajulie said...

Excellent choice - what a thought-provoking post (and I could not agree with you more about the comparison between childhood and now with regard to respect and good manners)

Barwitzki said...

Definitely good and right.
Warm regards to you.
Have a healthy and happy New Year. Viola

Paula, the quilter said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful post. We see the lack of respect every day from all walks of life: people you think would know better show disrespect to others. I try (and sometimes fail) to be a respectful person and I know how hard it is sometimes. When in doubt, I keep my mouth shut so I can't say anything. Just like I wast taught: if you can't say anything nice then say nothing at all. Happy New Year, friend.

cityquilter grace said...

timely post and wishing you a blessed new year as well...

Janet O. said...

So well said, Mrs. G. Amen to it all!
Happy New Year to you and your family, my friend!

Ramona said...

I was raised the same way and am saddened at the lack of respect in society today. You have really given me something to think about today. Thank you and Happy New Year!

Rebecca said...

Amen Sister!

Tanya said...

Thank you for the uplifting post!