Not unlike Christmas, Puerto Rico's Three Kings Day is a holiday rooted in religion that people now celebrate with social gatherings, food, and gift-giving. Los Reyes Magos, as the locals call it, is Christmas with a Latin twist. The concept of Santa Claus is left behind for Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar, together known as the Three Wise Men. Traditionally, the island (and most of the Latin world) celebrates Three Kings Day on the eve of January 6. The one thing that I remember most was how Santa evacuated the mall as of December 24 and was replaced with The Kings, the children waited in long lines to tell them what they wanted. So, happy Tres Reyes to you and yours, however you observe Epiphany today.
This precious quilt angel was the last removed from the tree today before storing it away. Isn't she just the sweetest? Given to us this year by dear friends, she'll always have a special place on our tree and in my heart!
One more donation quilt off the frame. This pantograph is "Double Plume" by Keryn Emmerson.
On the stitchery front: I got the buttons added to the Vintage Christmas sampler making that a true "finish", as far as I'm concerned, and began this sampler of New Year's Day. It's always hard for me to write the new year in the beginning, can't believe how it looks in stitches!
And, just like that... this little fella is thirteen weeks old, weighs four pounds and has outgrown his first harness! We got him the next size up, which he can swim in (!). His Puppy Manners and Socialization classes begin on Thursday. Our boy is growing up, starting school already!
Life is Good!
Oh gosh, is that puppy ever CUTE!!!! Don't think I could do 3 Kings day as I can barely wait til the day after Christmas to get what few decorations I have. I'm always over it and ready for the new year! Love the most recent donation quilt. Beautiful
Denver hosts the National Western Stock Show every January. It is over one hundred years old and goes for 16 days. It started yesterday. It is a tradition to leave the outside lights and decorations up until after the stock show ends. It’s a wonderful way to procrastinate! 😀
bittersweet to take down the tree and put away all those dear memories...but a new year beckons and gotta keep up...LOL!
I've never heard of the Three Kings Day which is my bad as my daughter-in-law is hispanic. I probably met the tradition this year of taking down the Christmas decorations later without even knowing it...
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